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Superior Court, Appellate Division

Honorable Edwin H. Stern, Presiding Judge for Administration
Joseph Orlando, Appellate Clerk

Forward filings to the Appellate Division Clerk's Office
P.O. Box 006, Trenton, New Jersey, 08625

The Appellate Division of the Superior Court is New Jersey's intermediate Appellate Court. It is comprised of 35 judges who sit in two and three judge panels chosen from parts consisting of four or five judges. Appellate Division judges hear appeals from decisions of the Trial Courts, the Tax Court and State administrative agencies. The Appellate Division decides approximately 7,000 appeals and 7,500 motions each year.

Each part is administered by a Presiding Judge. The Honorable Edwin H. Stern, serves as the Court's Presiding Judge for Administration. The chambers of the Appellate Division judges are located in Atlantic City, Hackensack, Jersey City Morristown, New Brunswick, Springfield, Trenton, West Long Branch, and Westmont. Arguments are heard in courtrooms located in Atlantic City, Elizabeth, Hackensack, Morristown, Newark, and Trenton.

The Appellate Division considers appeals timely taken as of right from the final judgments of the Law Division and the Chancery Division of the Superior Court, in addition to the final decisions of State administrative agencies. Litigants requiring Appellate Division review of interlocutory or interim orders of a trial court or agency may do so only with leave of the Court. This requires the filing of a motion for leave to appeal, which may be granted and ruled upon immediately, granted and permitted to be processed for a later determination, or denied. If leave is denied, the party seeking review may do so as of right following the final judgment of the trial court or administrative agency.

Some appeals are, however, disposed of through other programs established by the Appellate Division for the processing of certain types of appeals as described below:

Civil Appeals Settlement Program (CASP) This program is designed to identify, at the initial phase of processing, those appeals which could possibly be settled. Alternatively, appeals with very complex issues may be selected for a pre-argument conference, in order to delineate and clarify those issues prior to briefing.

Sentencing Calendars were initially designed to dispose of those appeals in which the sole issue on appeal was the excessiveness of the sentence imposed. The program has been expanded to include additional sentencing issues. Because of the narrow issues being addressed, appeals considered in this program are argued without the need for full briefing.

Send e-mail comments regarding an appeal or the filing of an appeal to: John Grant
Send e-mail comments regarding this web site, transcripts, or administrative matters to: Jeff Newman
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