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Asset Management


The Federal Highway Administration and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials define Asset Management as a “systematic cost-effective process of maintaining, upgrading and operating physical assets.”

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) follows this definition and has instituted a policy (pdf 203k) to use an Asset Management approach to operate, preserve and improve NJDOT’s infrastructure assets. NJDOT’s Asset Management approach focuses on roads, bridges and culverts, facilities, equipment, safety, and congestion reduction. A Steering Committee sets goals and guarantees that NJDOT is improving Asset Management at NJDOT.

NJDOT joins many transportation agencies in the United States who use Asset Management to preserve and improve New Jersey’s transportation system.

For more information about the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Asset Management program, please contact us.

The above file is in Portable Document Format (PDF). You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file. It is available free from our state Adobe Access page.

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  Last Updated:  December 12, 2008