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  New Jersey Save3Lives

One pint of blood from a single donor may save 3 lives.
Donate Now

Donate Blood

New Jersey is facing a severe and chronic blood shortage. 

The New Jersey Workplace Blood Donor Coalition is calling on employers to increase blood donations by conducting more workplace blood drives.

Did You Know…

arrow Nine out of 10 people will need blood some time in their lives.

arrow Sixty percent of New Jerseyans are eligible to donate blood, yet only 2.5 percent donate on a routine basis.

arrow If we could increase donor participation to the national average of 5 percent, we would eliminate New Jersey’s blood shortage. More facts...

Listen to What Donors & Recipients Have to Say
Mark Grebenau, Global Director, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, one of Novartis’ top blood donors Mary Volpe, Blood Recipient Mary Volpe’s Story

Hear Why Your Workplace Should Get Involved:

Video Transcript: Health & Senior Services Commissioner Heather Howard
Heather Howard, Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
Video Transcript: Kevin Rigby, V.P Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Kevin Rigby, Vice President of Public Affairs and Communications, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Department of Health and Senior Services

P. O. Box 360, Trenton, NJ 08625-0360
Phone: (609) 292-7837
Toll-free in NJ: 1-800-367-6543
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