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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Iraq Must Disarm; North Korea Must Honor Agreements, Bush Says

By Linda D. Kozaryn
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 7, 2003 – Saddam Hussein is obligated to disarm for the sake of peace, and U.S. officials expect North Korea to honor its agreements, President Bush said Monday.

Bush commented on Iraq, North Korea, the U.S. economy and other matters following a White House Cabinet meeting. He said Iraq's Hussein is a threat to the United States, its friends and to his neighbors in the Middle East.

Hussein's claim that U.N. weapons inspectors are carrying out intelligence work, combined with his "clearly deficient" declaration on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program, Bush noted, is "discouraging news for those of us who want to resolve this issue peacefully."

"The world has said to Saddam, you won't have any weapons of mass destruction; get rid of them," the president said. "Thus far, it looks like he hasn't complied." Bush called on Hussein to "listen to what the world is saying. Not just the United States, but the entire world, expects Saddam Hussein to disarm."

Turning to the threat of North Korea's weapons of mass destruction program, Bush said the United States has no intention of invading North Korea.

"We expect North Korea to adhere to her obligations," he said. "She's in an agreement with the United States. She said that she would not develop nuclear weapons, and we expect people to keep their word."

U.S. officials expect people to honor their obligations and for North Korean leader Kim Jong Il to be a "credible member of the world community," Bush said.

"I believe this will be resolved peacefully, and I believe it can be resolved diplomatically," he concluded.