Marine Aquarium 2.6.1

Stunning virtual fish tank w/calendar rock.


Marine Aquarium: You've seen aquarium programs before, but you've never seen anything like this! Marine Life so vibrant you won't believe your eyes. Indescribable realism! These fish are actual 3D Models, not flat images dragged across the screen.

Marine Aquarium definitely looks cool but its functional too! Marine Aquarium has an integrated calendar with Multi-Monitor and Wide screen display support.

Marine Aquarium 2.6 also contains two new fish for your enjoyment. The Clearfin Lionfish and Achilles Tang round out the fish population to twenty eight unique species of underwater life.

Use SereneScreen Marine Aquarium as a stand-alone simulator or as a screen saver.

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Mac OS X 10.2.8 or later, or Mac OS X 10.4.4 or higher for Intel based Macs

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thisistheremix said today at 12:06am

A gem from the homepage:


If you have just updated to OS10.3 Panther and are having graphical or keycode problems, please read our FAQ for your solutions before emailing us. Thank you for your patience."


Kosovar1 said today at 9:47am

Jesus, they haven't significantly updated this thing in years and there haven't been any new features added since long, long before that. Why reward idleness? Also, when does anyone know if it's going to work with Snow Leopard. Typically a "deal" like this is offered just before the software breaks with a new OS release, thus necessitating...surprise!...a paid upgrade. What would take a simple tweak from the developer to make it work again, is instead turned into a paid upgrade. Or maybe there won't ever be a bug fix, and Marine Aquarium goes into the clever software graveyard.


Picon said today at 4:40am

Wow, a blast from the past. Had to check but this app looks like it hasn't been updated since Sept. 2007. One reviewer said that on his 1900x1200 iMac that the background looked low res and pixelated. I'd be more likely to bite if there was more than one background.


JoeLee said today at 4:22am

I got this at MacPromo Bundle back in December 2007. It has been my screensaver ever since...


brookhaven said today at 1:42am

I got this one as part of a MU bundle a while ago. One of my favourite screen savers too. The only minus is that after extensive use I noticed some ghosting on my screen (Dell monitor), so I have now taken it off line. Shame really.


maxified said today at 1:04am

I bought this about four years ago. It's beautiful & addicting to watch, but the sound has a gap in the loop that accents the fact that it is a simulation. I'd love to see what it could be with full Leopard capabilities.


gryphonent said today at 5:04am

I used this years ago... did not know the app still existed. It certainly has not been updated in many many many months.


mrglsmrc said today at 1:55am

i find the bubble sound in the testfish mode a bit loud. i wish i could see what some of the fish i like look like before i buy but the testmode doesn't do much.

there's alot to like here but i don't know how customizable it really is. for instance i'd like to test the saver with mach desktop to see if these can play well with each other. i do stuff like that with quartz compositions all the time.


breilly said today at 12:02am

It's much easier to clean than the real thing and your fish don't die.


NCompassIT said today at 12:43pm

I LOVED this screensaver, but $20 was too much for me personally for a screensaver (which after all, usually isn't seen by me except just before I clear it away).

$9.95 is just about the upper limit of what I can justify to myself. It is beautiful and incredibly realistic.

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