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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

Military News Briefs for the Week Ending Oct. 20, 2000

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Oct. 20, 2000 –

(This is a summary of the top American Forces Press Service stories for the week ending Oct. 20, 2000.)



President Clinton, Defense Secretary William Cohen and 5,000 other people joined the family members of the 17 deceased sailors from the USS Cole Oct. 18 for a special memorial service at Naval Base Norfolk, Va.

Many of the 39 destroyer crewmen injured in the Oct. 12 terrorist attack in Yemen were also present, some in hospital beds with medical staff and family members at their sides. The recovered remains of the last eight missing Cole sailors were en route home at the same time, defense officials said.

Before the ceremony, Clinton met with the families of those killed. He read their names aloud to a silent crowd during the ceremony and then recited the poem "Young Dead Soldiers" by Archibald MacLeish.

Many had words of warning for the alleged terrorists as well. "Those who perpetrated this act of terror should never forget America's memory is long and our reach is longer," said Army Gen. Henry Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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U.S. service members can expect more contact with the Argentine and Chilean military in the future because of agreements signed Oct. 17 in Manaus, Brazil.

Defense Secretary William S. Cohen strengthened U.S. ties with the two South American nations by signing bilateral agreements prior to addressing the 25-nation Defense Ministerial of the Americas.

The U.S-Argentine agreement allows the two nations to share information on arms programs, acquisition, terrorism and other subjects. The agreement with Chile will facilitate the exchange of nonlethal equipment, reduce paperwork and enhance both nations' engagements in peacekeeping missions.

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More than $22,000 will be available next year to the children of active duty and retired members through the Cmdr. William S. Stuhr Scholarship Fund.

Scholarships for 2001 will be presented to one recipient from each of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. Each scholarship will be for $4,500 divided equally over four years.

To obtain a scholarship application, send a written request with a self-addressed return envelope to: Executive Director, Cmdr. Stuhr Scholarship Fund, 1200 Fifth Ave., Suite 9D, New York City, NY 10029. Applicants may request an application by e-mail to -- be sure to include full name and mailing address.

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