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Youth Education

Fun Facts & Trivia

Different strokes for different folks.
The most commonly used denominations in the U.S. are the $1 and the $20; internationally, it’s the $100 note.

Posthumous portraits only, please.
Since 1866, U.S. law has prohibited portraits of any living person on currency.
Animated image depicting a stack of currency

Animated image depicting a stack of currency on a scale Red, whitish and blue.
Neutral-colored U.S. currency paper is composed of 25 percent linen and 75 percent cotton. Red and blue synthetic fibers of various lengths are distributed evenly throughout the paper.

Comeback for color?
The last U.S. currency with background color was the $20 Gold Certificate, Series 1905, which was tinted gold.
Animated image depicting a folding dollar bill

Treasury Trivia
Can you guess the answers to the questions below? When ready, roll over or tab over the question to see the answer.

Q. What was the highest-value note ever printed?

Q. When did the U.S. government begin issuing notes with printed signatures?

Q. What is the most common note printed today?

Q. What happens to notes when they are taken out of circulation?

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