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Colorado Central Cancer Registry

The Colorado Central Cancer Registry is the statewide cancer surveillance program of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The program's goal is to reduce death and illness due to cancer by informing citizens and health professionals through statistics and reports on incidence, treatment and survival, and deaths due to cancer.

The Registry is mandated by Colorado law and a regulation (pdf file)pdf file passed by the Colorado Board of Health. It receives financial support from the Colorado State General Fund and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (National Program of Cancer Registries) under Cooperative Agreement U58000848. Information is collected from all Colorado hospitals, pathology labs, outpatient clinics, physicians solely responsible for diagnosis and treatment, and state Vital Statistics. Pertinent data is registered on all malignant tumors, except basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin. All individual patient, physician, and hospital information is confidential as required by Colorado law.

Colorado Central Cancer Registry data are used to:

  • Educate health professionals and citizens regarding specific cancer risks
  • Answer public questions about cancer statistics
  • Help focus cancer control activities in the state
  • Monitor the occurrence of cancer
  • Aid in research studies
  • Monitor the effectiveness of treatment
  • Help develop health services and screening programs

Registry statistics are used by physicians and other health professionals, hospital administrators and planners, the general public, legislators, government agencies including local and county health departments, epidemiologists, students, researchers, and the news media.

Mailing Address:

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Prevention Services Division
Colorado Central Cancer Registry
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246-1530

For more information contact: 303-692-2540
 or email