FIND - Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics


Introducing fast and accurate tests where patients seek care

Sleeping sickness (HAT) & other neglected diseases (OND)

Contributing to elimination through new and improved tests

Malaria & Acute febrile syndrome (AFS)

Developing new tools and assuring quality of existing rapid tests

Early implementation

Learn more about how diagnosis of MDR-TB in India has improved dramatically

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Latest News

Prof. Joseph Ndung'u becomes Corresponding Fellow of RSE

20 March 2013

Professor Joseph Ndung’u, head of HAT and Other Neglected Diseases at FIND, has been elected a Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (CorrFRSE). The election was announced through a Press release by the Society on 19th March 2013.

FIND and WHO/TDR expand access to TB specimens

19 March 2013

A fresh collaboration between FIND and WHO/TDR will increase access to high quality specimens needed in the development of new diagnostic tests for tuberculosis in low-resource settings.

WHO recommends LPAsl as a rule-in test for XDR-TB

12 March 2013

WHO publishes report of the Expert Group meeting on the use of line probe assay for second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs which recommends that this technology may be used as a rule-in test for extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis where line probe assay capacity is available.

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