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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Management & Budget

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Strategic Plan
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Financial Services
Fisheries Finance Program
Fishery Disaster Assistance
Fishing Capacity Reduction Programs
Vessel Permit Directory
Fishermen's Contingency Fund Program
Capital Construction Fund Program

Fishing Vessel Capital Construction Fund Program

Financial Services Division (F/SF2)
NOAA\National Marine Fisheries Service
1315 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282


(301) 713-2393 ext. 204


(301) 713-1939

Our regular business hours are 7:30 to 5:30, Eastern Time.

Our VoiceMail system allows you to leave a message for any staff person in the CCF Program at the time most convenient for you. Navigating our VoiceMail system will be easiest if you have the extension number of the staff person covering your case. When leaving a message, please include your Case Number and the best time for us to return the call.

CCF Staff & Telephone Extensions - as of April 4, 2006

Regions -


Case No.

(301) 713-2393


CCF Staff
All Ext. 204 Angie Campbell

General Program Support.

Use this extension for general CCF questions and support requests. Messages left at this extension will be retrieved daily.


Ext. 195
Richard VanGorder CCF Team Leader. Responsible for overall administration and tax aspects of the CCF program for fishing vessels.

Even Case #

Ext. 217 Mickey Winn Services cases in Pacific Northwest (except Alaska).


Odd Case #

See note in

last column

Steven Schumacher
Services cases in Pacific Northwest (except Alaska).

Please note: Steven is Hearing Impaired. During business hours you may reach him directly through voice-to-TDD relay service by calling 1-800-855-2881. Ask the TDD operator to call his TDD line (301) 713-1059. Or you may call Mickey Winn (ext. 217) for assistance.

CCF - "B"

CCF - "C"

CCF - "G"

Even Case#

Ext. 196 Amy J. Shinn Services cases in Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, California, Hawaii, Southeastern U.S. and the Gulf of Mexico.

CCF - "B"

CCF - "C"

CCF - "G"

Odd Case#

Ext. 197 Angelica Lee Services cases in Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, California, Hawaii, Southeastern U.S. and the Gulf of Mexico.
CCF -"A"

Even Case#

Ext. 198 Larry Steinberg Services cases in Alaska.

Odd Case#

Ext. 194 Debbie Richardson Services cases in Alaska.


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