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Special Deputy Inspector General for Southwest Asia

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FY 2012 Comprehensive Oversight Plan for Southwest Asia

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Minimum Requirements for Vendor Payment Support

  Recurring Challenges in Key Aspects of Contingency Contracting Process (From DoDIG Report D-2010-059)". Chart is optimized for 11"x17".
  Fraud Indicators and Poor Practices in Relation to the Contracting Process (From DoD IG Report D-2010-059)

OCO Article Archive

Support to the Global War On Terror (GWOT)

Ongoing Projects

Project Title Date Started Functional Area Op Area Staff Assigned

Audit Projects

Controls Over the Reporting of Transportation Costs in Support of the Global War on Terror (D2008-D000FI-0083.000). 2-Feb-08 Financial Management OIF/OEF TBD
Controls Over the Contractor Common Access Card Life Cycle in Southwest Asia (D2007-D000LA-0199.002). 24-Jan-08 Contract Administration - Determine whether controls over Common Access Cards provided to contractors are in place and work as intended and whether DoD officials verify the continued need for contractors to possess Common Access Cards. OIF/OEF TBD
Controls Over the Reporting of Transportation Costs in Support of the Global War on Terror (D2008-D000FI-0083.000). 27-Dec-07 Financial Management GWOT TBD
Defense Emergency Response Fund for the Global War on Terror (D2008-D000FE-0106.000). 19-Dec-07

Financial Management -
Determine whether DoD has the ability to track the use of the Defense Emergency Response Fund.

Afghanistan Security Forces Fund - Phase III (D2007-D000LQ-0161.002). 10-Dec-07 Security Assistance Program - Determine whether organizations in SWA that the USCENTCOM assigned with the responsibility for managing the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund properly accounted for the goods and services purchased for the Afghanistan Security Forces. OEF TBD
Medical Equipment used to Support Operations in Southwest Asia (D2008-D000LF-0093.000). 28-Nov-07

Acqusition, Logistics, Financial Management -
Evaluate the internal controls over medical equipment used to support operations in SWA and determine whether controls are in place for acquiring mission-essential medical equipment.

Procurement and use of Nontactical Vehicles at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan (D2008-D000LQ-0063.000). 13-Nov-07 Contract Administration OEF TBD
Security Over Radio Frequency Identificiation (D2008-D000AS-0044.000). 16-Oct-07 Information Technology - Second in a series of audits concerning radio frequency identification. OIF/OEF TBD
Small Arms Ammunition Fund Management in Support of the Global War on Terror (Project No. D2008-D000FJ-0014.000). 11-Oct-07 Financial Management - Determine whether financial management officials fully supported and properly incurred obligations and expenditures. GWOT TBD
Contracts for Supplies Requiring Use of Radio Frequency Identification (D2008-D000AS-0022.000). 5-Oct-07 Contract Administration / Information Technology - Determine whether DoD components have prepared and implemented plans to use radio frequency identification. OIF/OEF TBD
Payments for Transportation Using PowerTrack(R) (D2008-D000FJ-0006.000). 20-Sep-07 Financial Management GWOT TBD
Internal Controls and Data Reliability in the Deployable Disbursing System (D2007-D000FL-0252.000). 31-Aug-07 Financial Management OIF/OEF TBD
Contingency Construction Contracting Procedures Implemented by the Joint Contracting Command-Iraq/Afghanistan (D2007-D000LQ-0261.000) 28-Aug-07 Contract Administration - Reviewing the efficiency of contingency construction contracting procedures implemented by the Joint Contracting Command-Iraq/Afghanistan in the Afghanistan Area of Operations. OEF TBD
Summary of Issues Impacting Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom Reported by Major Oversight Organizations Beginning FY 2003 through FY 2007 (D2007-D000XA-0249.000). 22-Aug-07 Summary of Contract Administration, Funds Management, and other accountability issues OIF/OEF TBD
Controls Over the Contractor Common Access Card Life Cycle (D2007-D000LA-0199.001). 14-Aug-07 Procurement and Contract Administration OIF/OEF TBD
End-Use Monitoring Of Defense Articles And Services Transferred To Foreign Customers (D2007-D000LG-0228.000). 6-Aug-07 Procurement and Contract Administration OIF/OEF TBD
Procurement and Delivery of Joint Service Armor Protected Vehicles (D2007-D000CK-0230.000). 13-Jul-07 Procurement and Contract Administration -
Review whether the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle program office is effectively procuring armored vehicles in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation and DoD requirements.
Funds Appropriated for Afghanistan and Iraq Processed Through the Foreign Military Trust Fund (D2007-D000FD-0198.000). 19-Jun-07 Financial Management OIF/OEF TBD
Operations and Maintenance Funds Used for Global War on Terror Military Construction Contracts (D2007-D000CK-0201.000). 18-Jun-07 Contract Administration and Financial Management OIF/OEF TBD
Marine Corps' Management of the Recovery and Reset Programs (D2007-D000LD-0129.000). 13-Apr-07 Maintenance and Repair of Equipment and Rebuild and Overhaul of Equipment -
Eevaluate the effectiveness of the Marine Corps' Recovery and Reset Programs for selected equipment.
Contractor Support To The Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization In Afghanistan (D2007-D000LQ-0173.000). 9-Apr-07 Contract Administration - Evaluate whether Wexford Group International and any other contractor performed services outside the scope of the contract relating to activities of the Improvised Explosive Device and Asymmetric Warfare in support of the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization. OEF TBD
Distribution of Funds and the Validity of Obligations for the Management of the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund (D2007-D000LQ-0161.000). 14-Mar-07 Security Assistance Program OEF TBD
Defense Hotline Allegations Concerning the Biometric Identification System for Access Omnibus Contract (D2007-D000AS-0157.000). 6-Mar-07 Procurement and Contract Administration OIF/OEF TBD
Internal Controls over Air Force General Funds Cash and Other Monetary Assets (D2007-D000FD-0145.000). 5-Mar-07 Financial Management - Review whether internal controls over Air Force General Funds Cash and Other Monetary Assets are effectively designed and operating to adequately safeguard, account for, and report Cash and Other Monetary Assets. OIF/OEF TBD
Export Controls Over Excess Defense Articles (D2006-D000LG-0136.000). 1-Mar-07 Security Assistance Program GWOT TBD
Internal Controls over Navy, General Fund, Cash and Other Monetary Assets Held Outside the Continental United States (D2007-D000FN-0142.000). 27-Feb-07 Financial Management OIF/OEF TBD
Internal Controls over Army, General Fund, Cash and Other Monetary Assets Held outside of the United States (D2007-D000FP-0122.000). 9-Feb-07 Financial Management OIF/OEF TBD
DoD Training for U.S. Ground Forces Supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom (Project No. D2007-D000LH-0108.000 5-Jan-07

Forces Management - Review whether U.S. ground forces supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) are receiving training necessary to meet operational requirements.



Hiring Practices Used to Staff the Iraqi Provisional Authorities (D2007-D000LC-0051.000) 14-Dec-06 Human Capital - Estimated 1,250 employees in CPA staff   6
DoD Use of Global War on Terrorism Supplemental Funding Provided for Procurement and Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (D2006-D000AE-0241.000) 4-Aug-06 Financial Management; Procurement – Research and Development; and Contract Administration -
577 Supplemental Line items totaling $28.7 Billion
Conditional Acceptance and Production of Army Medium Tactical Vehicles in Support of the Global War on Terrorism (D2006-D000AE-0225.000.001) 21-Jul-06 Major Systems Acquisition - Of the $17.2 Billion procurement, $2.5 Billion came from GWOT supplemental OIF/OEF 11
Internal Controls Over Out-Of-Country Payments (D2006-D000FL-0208.000) 23-May-06 Financial Management -
Of the 183,486 vouchers totaling about $10.7 Billion, we are sampling 789 vouchers totaling about $3.5 Billion
Assigned to ongoing audit projects are 108 individuals; some are assigned to multiple projects.

Policy and Oversight Projects

Evaluation of DoD Sexual Assault Response in Operations Enduring and
Iraqi Freedom Areas of Operation (Project No. 2008C003)
26-Feb-08 Investigations -
Evaluation of the DoD response to sexual assault in combat
Report of Criminal Investigations of Detainee Abuse to OSD (2007C002) Jan-07 Investigations -
Summaries of detainee-related investigations conducted by various DoD investigative organizations.
Follow-up on Review of Criminal Investigations of Alleged Detainee Abuse (2004C004) 25-Aug-06 Investigations -Follow-up on review recommendations OIF/OEF 1 DoD OIG
Follow-up Review of Army Investigation of a Suicide in Iraq (2006C004) 5-Apr-06 Investigations -
Oversight of USACIDC investigation
DoD/VA Interagency Care Transition (D2006-DIP0E2-0245.000) 2-Aug-06 Health Care -
Affects all wounded/injured troops returning from OIF/OEF. 20,000 troops to date.
OIF/OEF 3 DoD OIG; 4 Dept of Veterans Affairs
Monitor DoD Mental Health Task Force   Health Care   2 DoD OIG
Assigned to ongoing Policy and Oversight projects are 13 individuals; some are assigned to multiple projects

Intelligence Projects

Government Relationship with the Iraqi National Congress 14-Feb-05 Intelligence and Security -
Activities between January 2002 and December 2004
Intelligence Support to the Combatant Commands in OEF and OIF 15-Dec-06 Intelligence and Security -
Intelligence Related Activities within the Combatant Commands
Assigned to ongoing Intelligence projects are 18 individuals; some are assigned to multiple projects
Assessment Team for Munitions Accountability Projects
Accountability of Munitions Provided to the Security Forces of Iraq and Afghanistan (D2007-D000IG-0239.000). 27-Jul-07 Contract Administration, Readiness, Logistics -
Evaluation of whether the controls over the distribution of conventional military arms, ammunition, and explosives provided to the security forces of Iraq and Afghanistan are adequate.
Accountability of Munitions Provided to the Security Forces of Iraq - Phase II (D2008-D000IG-0141.000).   The DoD OIG is performing follow-up on the recommendations made during its initial assessment on munitions accountability and control to determine the status of implementation. In addition, the DoD OIG is determining whether security assistance processed are responsive to Iraq Security Forces equipment requirements. OIF/OEF TBD

Last updated: October 2, 2008
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