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Spring DLC Meeting Registration & Call for Proposals PDF Print E-mail
Written on Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Last Updated on Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Registration Open for Spring Depository Library Council Meeting

Registration is now open for the spring meeting of the Federal Depository Library Council, to be held April 20 -22, 2009 in Tampa Bay, FL. For details, including hotel location and registration, links for the educational programs proposal form, and vendor information, visit the events page on the FDLP Desktop.

Call for Presentations at 2009 Federal Depository Library Conference

GPO invites the Federal documents community to submit proposals for presentations at the annual Federal Depository Library conference. This annual forum offers numerous opportunities to share your ideas and knowledge, explore new developments, and network with your colleagues.

The conference committee invites presentations from introductory to advanced levels on topics related to Federal information librarianship, especially on "nuts & bolts" issues, including but not limited to:

  • Collection development
  • Managing electronic information
  • Electronic reference service
  • Weeding
  • Cataloging and other methods for access
  • Depository library operations, training, or management
  • Regional/Selective issues
  • Depository library promotion
  • Preservation of depository materials

Presentations may run for 45 minutes or 90 minutes, with a sole presenter or a panel. Audiovisual equipment will be provided.

To submit a proposal, please visit the FDLP Desktop events page.

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