United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Office of Diversity and Inclusion <- New Office Name

Native American Program

President George W. Bush reaffirmed the previous administration's Native American Program of Support for Tribal Colleges and Universities in Executive Order 13270 of July 3, 2002. He reiterated the unique relationship between the United States and the Indian tribes and also acknowledged the special relationship between the United States and Alaska Native entities. President Bush declared that it is the policy of the Federal Government that this Nation's commitment to educational success and opportunity extends as well to the tribal colleges and universities that serve Indian tribes and Alaska Native entities. President Bush hopes that this order will fulfill vital roles in

  • maintaining and preserving irreplaceable languages and cultural traditions;
  • offering a high-quality college education to younger students; and 
  • providing job training and other career-building programs to adults and senior citizens.

Also, the President, understanding that postsecondary education plays a major role in promoting excellence in early childhood, elementary, and secondary education, will implement the innovations and reforms of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, in partnership with tribal colleges and their American Indian and Alaska Native communities. 

If education is truly the key to success, then the President's order is a boon to Native American achievement. Its effects may one day reach the halls of the Department of Veterans Affairs, through the active recruitment of educated and qualified Native American college graduates. 

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