United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Office of Diversity and Inclusion <- New Office Name

Suggested Activities for Special Observances

  • Statement from the Field Facility Director announcing the observance and requesting the support and participation of all managers, supervisors, and employees EO presentations, workshops, and seminars to orient employees and managers on such topics as the Affirmative Employment Program and efforts to increase the employment, advancement, and retention of women, minorities, veterans, and/or people with disabilities Lectures by guest speakers (community leaders, representatives from local government, and academia, for example).
  • Job information fairs, exhibits, displays on the history and contributions of the group being honored.
  • Films and videos related to the observance.
  • Special programs and awards ceremonies.
  • Presentations at high schools, colleges, universities, and community organizations to provide information about career opportunities with VA.