Tempe Talks Because...

Together We're Better

 A Program of Diversity Dialogue

Fall 2008 Session: September 17- October 29. 
Sessions are held in the evenings, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Applications are currently being accepted. Click here to apply.

The Diversity Dialogue Program was created in 1998 in support of the Tempe Human Relations Commission's goal of finding ways to improve the climate for diversity in Tempe.  One of the ways that this can be accomplished is by bringing individuals from different groups together for honest, reflective, face-to-face dialogue within a safe context and guided by trained facilitators. 

Participants are invited to explore diversity topics-cultural inclusiveness, discrimination, personal experiences, and perceptions.  This is not a formal lecture, this is your opportunity to learn from one another.  Food and refreshments will be provided at each meeting.

The Dialogue Groups will draw community members from throughout the Valley. After the seven weeks of dialogue, recommendations from the meetings will be shared with the Human Relations Commission and Tempe City Council. Click here to see highlights from past Dialogue Group discussions.

Participants MUST commit to attend all seven sessions.  Applicants will be selected on a first come, first serve basis. 

What to expect from Diversity Dialogues I...

  • Experience the basics of dialoging

  • Cover ground rules, ie. Code of Conduct, Climate for productive dialogue, and confidentiality

  • Share personal experiences

  • Meet a diverse group of community participants

  • Discuss topics such as: family, faith, race, global issues and sexual orientation

What to expect from Diversity Dialogues II ...

  • Must have participated in Diversity Dialogue I program

  • In-depth discussion of cultural experiences

  • Advanced dialogue content -- possible controversial subjects

  • Explore new areas of thinking


Unity is the clear path toward enhanced quality of life in our community. One of the most effective ways to do this is to bring individuals from different groups together for honest, reflective, face-to-face dialogue within a safe context and guided by trained facilitators.

Sponsored by: City of Tempe Diversity Department & Tempe Human Relations Commission


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