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What is GEOSS?: The Global Earth Observation System of Systems

GEOSS Spider
Click on Societal Benefit Area icons to go to the relevant page SBA: Weather SBA: Water SBA: Biodiversity SBA: Ecosystems SBA: Agriculture SBA: Climate SBA: Energy SBA: Health SBA: Disasters


The Global Earth Observation System of Systems will provide decision-support tools to a wide variety of users. As with the Internet, GEOSS will be a global and fl exible network of content providers allowing decision makers to access an extraordinary range of information at their desk.

  city center

This ‘system of systems’ will proactively link together existing and planned observing systems around the world and support the development of new systems where gaps currently exist. It will promote common technical standards so that data from the thousands of different instruments can be combined into coherent data sets. The ‘GEOPortal’ offers a single Internet access point for users seeking data, imagery and analytical software packages relevant to all parts of the globe. It connects users to existing data bases and portals and provides reliable, up-to-date and user friendly information – vital for the work of decision makers, planners and emergency managers. For users with limited or no access to the Internet, similar information is available via the ‘GEONETCast’ network of telecommunication satellites.



The Global Earth Observation System of Systems is simultaneously addressing nine areas of critical importance to people and society. It aims to empower the international community to protect itself against natural and human-induced disasters, understand the environmental sources of health hazards, manage energy resources, respond to climate change and its impacts, safeguard water resources, improve weather forecasts, manage ecosystems, promote sustainable agriculture and conserve biodiversity. GEOSS coordinates a multitude of complex and interrelated issues simultaneously. This cross-cutting approach avoids unnecessary duplication, encourages synergies between systems and ensures substantial economic, societal and environmental benefits.


  • Forecasting meningitis outbreaks
  • Protecting biodiversity
  • Improving climate observations in Africa
  • Supporting disaster management in Central and South America
  • Managing water resources in Asia
  • Promoting solar energy
  • Improving agriculture and fisheries management.
  • Mapping and classifying ecosystems
  • Forecasting weather for the 2008 Beijing Olympics

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GEO newsletter

GEO News Issue #16
(11 October 2011)


Announcing GEO-VIII Exhibition

GEO Members and Participating Organizations will demonstrate their contributions to GEOSS from 15 to 17 November in Istanbul. For more information see the Exhibition brochure and the list of presentations at the GEO EU Speakers Area.


The GEO-VIII Plenary

Information on the GEO-VIII Plenary meeting, to be held in Istanbul on 16-17 November, is now available here. Conference participants are invited to visit the site to learn more about registration procedures, the GEO-VIII Exhibition, hotel availability, visa requirements, the scheduling of the week's events, and much more. Quick link: GEO-VIII week at a glance


G20 Ministers launch GEO agricultural initiative

The agriculture ministers of the G20 countries adopted a ministerial declaration on 23 June in Paris launching a Global Agricultural Geo-Monitoring Initiative.
The aim of this GEO-led international monitoring network is to produce more accurate crop forecast data in order to promote food security. The Declaration is available here.


GEOSS in the Americas Symposium

The GEOSS in the Americas Symposium was held in Santiago de Chile from 5 to 7 October 2011. For more information please see the Symposium website.


Official review ends for GEO 2012-2015 Work Plan

Version 1 of the GEO Work Plan has been distributed to GEO Principals for comments. Version 1 incorporates the comments received from the GEO community during the technical review period March-May 2011 and draws from the outcomes of the 2011 Work Plan Symposium.


GEO's role in climate, biodiversity, forests

Research Media recently asked GEO Secretariat José Achache about GEO's progress over the past year and the challenges it faces going forward. The interview can be viewed here.


Japan's ALOS satellite concludes its mission

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has announced that its Advanced Land Observing Satellite "DAICHI" (ALOS) has reached the end of its operational life following the loss of power onboard. During the five years it spent monitoring the planet, ALOS took 6.5 million images. Many of these images have contributed to GEO's ongoing work on monitoring the world's forests under the Forest Carbon Tracking task. Read more...


Technical review launched for GEO 2012-2015 Work Plan

Version 0 of the next GEO Work Plan has been distributed to the GEO community for comment by 26 May. The draft Work Plan, has been designed to fully address the 2015 Strategic Targets; establish an operational and sustainable GEOSS; reinforce coordination, user engagement and resource mobilization; and provide information products and end-to-end services tailored to serve society's needs across the nine Societal Benefit Areas.


Nominations invited for Will T. Pecora Award

The William T. Pecora Award is presented annually to individuals or groups that have made outstanding contributions toward understanding the Earth by means of remote sensing. The United States Department of the Interior (DOI) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) jointly sponsor the award. Read more...


GEO releases report on global water quality monitoring

The GEO Inland and Near-Coastal Water Quality Remote Sensing Working Group met last November to assess progress towards building the water quality component of GEOSS. The resulting progress report has been posted here.


Beijing Ministerial adopts Declaration

The GEO-VII Plenary and Beijing Ministerial, held from 3-5 November, assessed GEO's progress over the past five years, evaluated past and future GEOSS implementation, agreed a Data Sharing Action Plan, and adopted the Beijing Declaration. These documents as well as the speeches given during the Ministerial are posted on the meetings page. The full-color book "Crafting Geoinformation" is also available for download.


GEOSS Work Plan Progress Highlights presentation


Beijing showcase videos now available

On 5 November in Beijing, participants in the GEO Ministerial enjoyed a number of short videos introducing GEOSS and showcasing GEO achievements in the fields of biodiversity, carbon monitoring, capacity building, health services and water management in Asia/Oceania. These videos can be downloaded and viewed here (please note that these are large files).


Earth Observation Summit Endorses Global Data Sharing

Science magazine reported from Beijing on the GEO Ministerial; read the article here.


NASA sends cost-free data to African scientists

The provision of terrabytes of data to African researchers "support(s) the goals of the Group on Earth Observations, a partnership of international agencies that promotes collaborative use of Earth science data," said NASA. Read more here.


SERVIR-Himalaya launched in Kathmandu

USAID, NASA, and ICIMOD have joined hands to establish SERVIR-Himalaya as the third regional SERVIR operational facility. Read more here.


Get Connected Online to the "Earth Observation Symposium" and other events in Kathmandu 1-7 October 2010

Read full story


China, Secretariat brief Geneva diplomats on Beijing Ministerial

Dozens of government and UN diplomats attended a briefing on the upcoming Beijing Ministerial at the Mission of the People's Republic of China to the UN office in Geneva. For more details see the People's Daily article.


UK GEO Co-ordination Project Launched

Four of the UK organisations with a significant stake in building GEOSS have come together to develop the UK's strategy for involvement in GEO. This will be achieved through a jointly funded UK GEO Co-ordination Project. See the article here.


Nature cites GEO BON value for biodiversity assessment

An editorial in the prestigious science publication Nature has recognized the GEO Biodiversity Observation Network as a crucial mechanism for supporting the proposed Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). See the article here.


GEO BON launches Implementation Plan

The Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) has released its detailed, 175-page Implementation Plan for a coordinated global campaign to gather and share information on biodiversity, provide tools for data integration and analysis, and contribute to improved environmental management and human well-being. For more information, see the Technical Summary, Detailed Implementation Plan, and press release.


GEO participates in Shanghai Expo

The MeteoWorld Pavilion was officially unveiled on 9 May by the World Meteorological Organization, the China Meteorological Administration, EUMETSAT and GEO at the Shanghai Expo Park, Shanghai, China. Read full story


EnerGEO launches newsletter

As reported earlier in GEO News, the EnerGEO project (Earth Observation for monitoring and assessment of the environmental impact of energy use) started last November with support from the European Commission. The first issue of the EnerGEO newsletter is now available. To subscribe, please visit the EnerGEO web site.


GEO applauds JAXA data on Haiti, Chile earthquakes

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has provided essential ALOS/PALSAR satellite data to international scientists whose analyses support the emergency teams responding to the major earthquakes in Haiti, on 12 January, and Chile, on 27 February. Read full story here


WCRP announces Open Science Conference

The World Climate Research Programme will host a major international Open Science Conference in Denver, Colorado, USA in October 2011. The conference will bring together major disciplines and leaders of the Earth system research community to identify opportunities for advancing scientific understanding and prediction of climate variability and change from seasons to centuries, and from the regional to the global levels. Details are available on the conference web site.