Los Alamos National Laboratory
Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement, CMRR

Exceeding Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance is also a major priority for the Radiological Laboratory/Utility/Office Building construction project, as well as the entire Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Division. To guarantee quality assurance, the RLUOB undergoes rigorous Nuclear Quality Assurance (NQA-1) reviews.

The project’s commitment to QA also stems from Austin Commercial Contractors, LP, providing staff to implement an NQA-1 Quality Program and a dedicated CMRR QA/Quality Construction Oversight Program that provides continuous verification of quality construction and implementation of all applicable federal and state requirements.

In an additional effort to ensure QA for RLUOB, rigorous on-going assessment schedules and a layered inspection method (shown below) have been implemented.

inspection process

ACCLP - Austin Commercial Contractors, LP | IBC - International Building Code | ITP - Inspection Test Plan | QC - Quality Control | QA - Quality Assurance |

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