Los Alamos National Laboratory
Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement, CMRR
RLOUB building artist rendering collage

Radiological Laboratory/Utility/Office Building (RLUOB)

The first phase of the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement (CMRR) Project consists of the design and construction of a Radiological Laboratory/Utility/Office Building (RLUOB).

The building will provide approximately 19,500 net square feet of radiological laboratory space that includes 26 separate modules. Each module will be equipped to function as an individual unit or be combined to create several larger laboratories.

construction workers

RLUOB also will house a consolidated training facility; four separate classrooms; nonradiological training, simulation laboratories; a centralized utilities and services building for all CMRR Project facilities; and office space to accommodate up to 350 personnel in both cleared and uncleared areas.

In addition, RLUOB will have a facility incident-command center, an operations center, and space for future support of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s defense program activities.

With a scheduled project completion date of 2010 and a proposed operational date of 2011, RLUOB began in November 2005 when a design-build contract was awarded to Austin Commercial Contractors, LP, of Dallas, Texas. The proposed total project cost for RLOUB is $164 million and has a total contract life of 1095 calendar days.

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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