Local Advisory Panel First Meeting
VA Capitol Health Care Network, VISN 5
Perry Point VA Medical Center

May 3, 2005


Pledge of Allegiance George W. Mitchell
Senior Vice Commander, Disabled American Veterans
Department of Maryland
Opening Remarks Sanford M. Garfunkel
Director, Washington DC VA Medical Center
Chairman, Local Advisory Panel
Director’s Welcome Dennis H. Smith
Director, VA Maryland Health Care System
Introduction of
LAP Members
Sanford M. Garfunkel
Director, Washington DC, VA Medical Center
Chairman, Local Advisory Panel
Archna Sharma, M.D.
Quality Management Officer, VISN 5
Roy Albert
Vice President of Business Development
Office of Aberdeen Proving Ground
Mayor James L. Eberhardt
Mayor of Perryville
Anthony F. Lehman, M.D.
Professor & Chair, Department of Psychiatry
University of Maryland
Colonel Kevin Smith
Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff for the
Ordnance Center and School
Aberdeen Proving Ground
Business Studies Process
LAP Operating Procedures
Secretary’s CARES Decision
Nancy Quailey
Executive Assistant, Director
VA Maryland Health Care System
Break in Gymnasium (20 minutes)
Forecast Model
Data Presentation
Tony Dawson
Executive Assistant, Associate Director for Finance
VA Maryland Health Care System
Contractor Presentation Janet Hinchcliff
Site Manager
Public Statements Stakeholders
Meeting Closure Sanford M. Garfunkel

(VISN 5 LAP meeting scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. with adjournment scheduled for 1:30 p.m.)