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Rocky Mountain Region

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U.S. Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Region
740 Simms St
Golden, CO 80401


United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Local News Releases 2008

2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

  • National Forests on the Front Range To Open for Christmas Tree Cutting – (November 2008) – The U.S. Forest Service will open five Front Range Christmas tree cutting areas on the Pike, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests beginning Saturday, December 6 through Sunday, December 14, 2008. A $10.00 permit per tree is required before entering a tree cutting area with a limit of five permits per person. These permits are for personal use only.
  • U.S. Forest Service Strengthens Environmental Commitment Through Partnership With Call2Reycle – (November 2008) – The U.S. Forest Service and the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC) signed an agreement this week that will benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. By entering into an agreement with the RBRC, the Forest Service will participate in the Call2Recycle program to recycle rechargeable batteries and cell phones, with a portion of the proceeds received for cell phones going to Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
  • Shoshone National Forest – Fire Management Team Receives National Recognition – (November 2008) – The Shoshone National Forest – Fire Management Team recently received national recognition as the recipient of the 2008 U.S. Forest Service Chief´s Honor Award for Sustaining Forests and Grasslands. This award acknowledges the Team´s extraordinary efforts and accomplishments in managing complex forest health challenges, which played a major role in the successful management of the Forest´s 67,000–acre Gunbarrel Fire west of Cody, WY earlier this year.
  • Decision Released on Southern Rockies Lynx Amendment – (November 2008) – Today, the U.S. Forest Service’s Rocky Mountain Region Deputy Regional Forester, Tony Dixon, announced the availability of the Southern Rockies Lynx Amendment Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD).  The Southern Rockies Lynx Amendment FEIS and ROD amends seven National Forests’ Resource Land Management Plans in Colorado and southern Wyoming to add lynx habitat management direction.
  • Forest Service Announces New Deputy Regional Forester for the Rocky Mountain Region – (October 2008) – The U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Regional Forester, Rick Cables, announced the selection of a new Deputy Regional Forester today. Maribeth Gustafson who is currently the Forest Supervisor on the White River National Forest based in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, will assume one of the second–in–command positions at the Regional headquarters in Golden.
  • The Secure Rural Schools and Community Self–Determination Act of 2008 Breathes New Life into Program for Schools, Roads and Stewardship Projects – (October 2008) – More than $500 million for FY 2008 will be available to 41 states and Puerto Rico for improvements to public schools, road maintenance and stewardship projects under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act (SRS Act).
  • Region 2 Takes Energy Conservation to a New Level – (October 2008) – Thanks to a new contracting tool, the Rocky Mountain Region is on target to meet federal energy and water conservation and renewable energy use goals. The region is using an Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) to accomplish energy and water conservation projects and installation of renewable energy systems for Region 2 facilities.
  • Citizen input sought: Proposed Colorado Roadless Rule comment period ends Oct. 23 – (October 8) – With the end of the 90–day public comment period nearing, the U.S. Forest Service and State of Colorado continue to encourage citizens to submit comments and substantive recommendations on the proposed Colorado Roadless Rule and associated Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The comment period ends Oct. 23.
  • Proposed Colorado Roadless Rule and Draft Environmental Impact Statement Open Houses Planned across State – (August 5) – Beginning on August 18 and running through the second week of September, the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region and the State of Colorado will host eight public open houses across the state concerning the proposed Colorado Roadless Rule and the associated Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The rule and DEIS address roadless area management on National Forest System (NFS) lands within the state of Colorado.
  • Proposed Colorado Roadless Rule and Draft Environmental Impact Statement Available for Public Comment; Public Open Houses Planned – (July 25) – Today the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Department) published in the Federal Register the proposed Colorado Roadless Rule to address the management of roadless areas on National Forest System (NFS) lands within the state of Colorado.
  • “Weed Warrior” Volunteers Sought for Work Day; Kickoff Event Challenges Threat to Native PlantsPortable Document Format – 29kb – (July 1) – The Front Range and the entire state are facing a major challenge to parks, open spaces, agricultural lands, forests, grasslands and beyond. This includes local public parks and open space in the Metro Denver area.
  • COLORADO–BASED ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION PROJECT RECEIVES NATIONAL FUNDING FROM THE US FOREST SERVICE – (April 24) – A group of 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students gathered around the Chief of the Forest Service Gail Kimbell today at Escuela de Guadalupe School in north Denver to share their outdoor experiences. These students were participants in a project that received a More Kids in the Woods award this year, one of only 16 throughout the country.
  • U.S. Forest Service More Kids in the Woods 2008 Award RecipientsPortable Document Format – 44kb –(April 24)
  • Forest Service Announces New Deputy Regional Forester for the Rocky Mountain Region – (April 21) – U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Regional Forester Rick Cables announced the selection of a new Deputy Regional Forester today. Antoine “Tony” Dixon, who is currently the Forest Supervisor for the National Forests in Mississippi, will be moving to Colorado to assume one of the second–in–command positions at the Regional headquarters in Golden.
  • More Campground Closures Ahead For Three National ForestsPortable Document Format – 128kb –(April 18) – Forest Service officials concerned about visitor and employee safety have identified campgrounds and picnic areas that will be closed for the season or experience delayed openings due to hazards caused by bark–beetle killed trees.
  • Industry Leaders Promote Uncommon Career Choices for Minorities: National Organization Catalyst for the Advancement of Minorities within Agriculture and Natural Science IndustriesPortable Document Format – 80kb –(March 27) – The State of Colorado will be center stage March 27–29 to showcase its agriculture and natural sciences´ leaders as well as promote the state as a great place to work at the 23rd Annual Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) Career Fair & Training Conference.
  • World Water Day Observed on the South Platte River: Kids and Partners Praised for their Efforts – (March 27) – The Associate Chief of the U.S. Forest Service was surrounded by people who care deeply about water while she was in Colorado to observe World Water Day today. Sally Collins was joined by a dozen young people who were sampling insects from a section of the Upper South Platte River from the Environmental Learning for Kids (ELK) program, along with representatives from Denver Water, Colorado State Forest Service, the Coalition for the Upper South Platte, the Front Range Fuel Treatment Partnership Roundtable, and Trout Unlimited.
  • Fines Increase on Colorado National Forests – (February 28) – The USDA Forest Service and other land management agencies released information regarding the increase in fines for the violation of National Forest Laws and Regulations. U.S. District Court Judge Edward Nottingham recently approved the Colorado Collateral Forfeiture Schedule, which increases fines for infractions for a variety of offenses. Previously, fines ranged from approximately $25 to $100 for infractions. Under the new Schedule, fines generally range from $100 to $500 for infractions.
  • Colorado Recreation Resource Advisory Committee MeetingPortable Document Format – 58kb – (February 25) – The Colorado Recreation Resource Advisory Committee (Recreation RAC) will convene in Denver on February 27, 2008. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m., and will be held at the REI Denver Flagship store at 416 Platte St, Denver, CO.
  • U.S. FOREST SERVICE AND WYOMING STATE FORESTRY DIVISION REVIEW RESULTS OF FOREST HEALTH SURVEYPortable Document Format – 37kb – (February 14) – The U.S. Forest Service and Wyoming State Forestry Division announced the results of the 2007 forest health annual aerial survey during a briefing for the Wyoming Legislative Joint Agriculture Committee at the Wyoming State Capitol on Thursday, February 14.
  • U.S. FOREST SERVICE AND COLORADO STATE FOREST SERVICE ANNOUNCE RESULTS OF FOREST HEALTH SURVEYPortable Document Format – 103kb – (January 14) – The U.S. Forest Service and Colorado State Forest Service announced the results of the 2007 forest health annual aerial survey today. Survey results reveal that the bark beetle infestation affected about half a million new acres in 2007, bringing the total number of acres of infestation up to 1.5 million since the first signs of outbreak in 1996.

U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region
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Last modified January 15, 2009

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