U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Metadata Tools and Training

Metadata Creation Tools

National Park Service (NPS) Metadata Tools and Editor (MTE) -- Version 1.1
MTE is a customized application that operates either as an extension to ArcCatalog or as a standalone desktop application. The extension is designed to import, manipulate, and view FGDC-compliant metadata within ArcCatalog and contains tools to “batch” import, export, and parse metadata. MTE supports the creation of metadata templates and the importation of template data (e.g. replacing only the distribution information in a set of metadata files) and provides tools to search metadata records and create an Access database of basic metadata information for a group of data sets. The extension includes stylesheets for a basic metadata summary and viewing the NBII biological metadata extension.

NOAA Coastal Services Center’s ArcView Metadata Collector Extension
This ArcView 3.x extension can be used to create metadata for any data type supported by ArcView, including ARC/INFO coverages, ArcView shapefiles, and any supported image formats. Product information, download instructions, and installation information are available on the NOAA web site.

Tkme – An editor for formal metadata
Developed by Peter Schweitzer of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), this editor was designed to simplify the process of creating metadata that conform to the FGDC metadata standard.

This simplified variant of DOCUMENT.AML produces a subset of the metadata that can be used with other metadata tools that conform to the FGDC CSDGM (such as xtme, tkme and mp).

Metadata Formatting and Reviewing Tools

Chew 'n Spit (CNS)
This pre-parser was developed by USGS and can be used to make sure the metadata record is properly formatted.

Metadata Parser (MP)
After running the metadata record through the CNS pre-parser, use this tool to check for technical errors. Once the record is error free, you can use this tool to publish your metadata in several formats (text, html, xml, or sgml).

Metadata Training

If you are interested in metadata training, please contact Bonnie Gallahan, FGDC Training Coordinator, or go to the FGDC’s National Spatial Data Infrastructure’s training site.

If you want to teach yourself or your organization about metadata, the NOAA Coastal Services Center offers a teaching resource guide to get you started. Introducing Geospatial Metadata organizes two days' worth of metadata training into ten modules. These modules can be presented all at once as a workbook or separately as your time and resources allow.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Andrey Andreyev, Division of Information Resources and Technology Management

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Keywords= biological, metadata, guidance, FGDC, NBII, elements, data, standards, templates, tools

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