U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Spatial Data Sources

Organized by Agency

While there is an increasing amount of data available for free via the Internet, and everyone likes 'free stuff', there may be times when you would be better off spending a little money and getting the data on a permanent storage media. Some offices have just one Internet phone connection, or perhaps have poor quality phone lines. Data transmission of large files (and some of these will be many megabytes) can be very time consuming even if it works right the first time; if the phone line interrupts the transmission, and you need to start over it can be very frustrating. A permanent storage media like a CD-ROM disc also gives you a good archive copy of the data.

The USGS Earth Science Information Centers, located around the country, distribute much of this data on CD-ROM's. They are also a good source of information on precisely which data is available at any given time for your geographic location. Since the availability of digital data changes constantly, it's good to be able to get up to date information. Generally the CD's are $32 each (all the 1:2,000,000 DLG's are on one CD, the 1:100,000 on a set of 14). The toll-free order number is 1-888-ASK-USGS, or click here for a current list of addresses and phone numbers.

Internet Data Sources

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Chris Lett, in the Division of Information Resources and Technology Management, at Chris_Lett@fws.gov

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Keywords=GIS, data, metadata
Last Modified February 26, 2001 06:51 AM