[News From Congressman Bart Stupak] 
For Immediate Release
August 12, 2008
Contact:  Nick Choate
(202) 225-4735

COLUMN: Democrats working for comprehensive energy policy

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A column by U.S. Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Menominee)

Michiganders pay $4 a gallon at the pump while oil companies make billions in profits.  We must change our nation’s energy policy now!  For more than 30 years Big Oil and its allies in Washington have blocked change every step of the way.  Now, the failed energy policy of the current administration is driving our economy into the ground.

It’s time for Republicans to join Democrats in forging a new energy policy that reduces gas prices and our dependence on foreign oil.  Unfortunately, during this current energy crisis, the Republicans seem more interested in political “gotcha” than real change.

My legislation to clamp down on price gouging was passed by the House on May 23, 2007, but is stalled in the Senate.  Every Democrat except one voted FOR the bill, but 140 Republicans and seven of the nine Michigan Republicans voted against it.

For three years I introduced legislation to combat the manipulation of oil market prices.  On July 30, the Congress voted on the Commodity Markets Transparency and Accountability Act of 2008 which incorporated many of my provisions to clamp down on rampant speculation.  There were enough votes to pass the bill until several Republicans (including Mike Rogers of Michigan) changed their votes from “YES” to “NO”! 

Republicans claim to want more drilling, but their votes prove something different.  While I and most of my Democratic colleagues voted YES, the majority of Republicans have voted NO to expanded drilling in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve; NO to requiring oil companies to drill on 68 million acres they already control but are not drilling on; NO to recouping royalties oil companies failed to pay to taxpayers; NO to repealing government subsidies for the top five oil companies, raking in record profits; NO to lowering gas prices immediately by releasing a small portion of the government oil stockpile; NO to cracking down on gas price gouging;  NO to curbing excessive speculation in the energy futures markets; and NO investing in alternative energy.

On five separate occasions in July, Republicans ignored the opportunity to join Democrats in passing energy legislation that would provide both short and long term relief to consumers.  Each time, most Republicans sided with their party leaders in making a political statement rather than voting to provide relief for their constituents. 

We’ve had some successes. Congress passed the Energy Independence and Security Act, which was signed into law late last year.  This new law will increase fuel efficiency standards, expand American grown bio-fuels, combat oil market manipulation, and is expected to save American families $700 to $1,000 a year in fuel costs.

We passed the 2008 Farm Bill that invests in bio-fuels and provides additional authority to  detect and prevent manipulation of energy prices.  The President vetoed the bill, but Congress overrode his veto to make the bill law.

We passed the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Suspension and Consumer Protection Act which was signed into law in May and temporarily suspends filling the reserve so more oil is available on the market.

But we’ve had too many roadblocks.  Democrats have put forth concrete proposals to address high gas prices and provide more domestic oil.  We support alternative energy, increased energy efficiency and expanded drilling in the U.S., but not everywhere and not under the Great Lakes. 

It is a shame Republicans in Congress have repeatedly blocked bills that could provide relief at the pump.  It’s time for them to put politics aside and stop the political “gotcha” game.  We must work together to develop a comprehensive energy policy that reduces gas prices, eliminates dependence on foreign oil, and protects and promotes the American Dream.

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NOTE:  An MP3 radio actuality is available for this column at http://www.house.gov/list/hearing/mi01_stupak/20080812energy.mp3 or by contacting Nick Choate at 202-225-4735 or nick.choate@mail.house.gov

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