
Electronic Records Related to World War II

Electronic and Special Media Records Services Division Reference Report


Record Group 38: Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

Record Group 64: Records of the National Archives and Records Administration

Record Group 210: Records of the War Relocation Authority

Record Group 330: Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense

Record Group 389: Records of the Office of the Provost Marshal General

Collection ADBC: Records of the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor

Related Information

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This reference report provides an overview of selected electronic data records in the custody of the Electronic and Special Media Records Services Division directly relating to World War II. Series and file units accessible online through the Access to Archival Databases (AAD) resource (http://aad.archives.gov/aad/) have an AAD logo AAD next to them. Full descriptions of the series are in NARA's Archival Research Catalog (ARC), which can be searched by title, ARC identification number (ARC ID), type of archival material, dates, or keyword.

Researchers may order copies of these computerized data files on removable media for a cost-recovery fee. For more information see: Ordering Information for Electronic Records.

In addition to the series and files listed in this reference report, the Division has custody of other electronic series containing World War II-era records. Descriptions of them are in NARA's Archival Research Catalog (ARC). Some are described in Theodore J. Hull's article, "Electronic Records in the National Archives for World War II Research," that appeared in the Fall 1994 issue of Prologue.

Record Group 38: Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

  • Records of Duty Locations for Naval Intelligence Personnel, 1942-1945 AAD
    ARC ID: 603333
    Technical Documentation: 21 pages and through AAD

    This series has information about military intelligence personnel attached to Naval Group China during World War II.

Record Group 64: Records of the National Archives and Records Administration

  • World War II Army Enlistment Records AAD
    ARC ID: 604357
    Technical Documentation: 74 pages of main documentation; layouts and code tables available through AAD or by request.

    This series contains records of approximately 9 million men and women who enlisted in the United States Army between 1938 and 1946, including the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps and the Enlisted Reserve Corps. The series does not include records for Army officers, members of other military services, or enlistments from other time periods.

Record Group 210: Records of the War Relocation Authority

  • Records About Japanese Americans Relocated During World War II AAD
    ARC ID: 574045
    Technical Documentation: 91 pages and through AAD

    This series contains personal descriptive data about Japanese Americans evacuated from the states of Washington, Oregon, and California to ten relocation centers operated by the War Relocation Authority during World War II in the states of California (Tule Lake and Manzanar Centers), Idaho (Minidoka Center), Utah (Central Utah Center), Colorado (Granada Center), Arizona (Colorado River and Gila River Centers), Wyoming (Heart Mountain Center), and Arkansas (Rohwer and Jerome Centers).

Record Group 330: Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense

  • American Soldier in World War II Surveys, 1942-1945
    ARC ID: 620483
    Technical Documentation: varies per survey

    This series contains information on soldiers' attitudes toward job assignments, medical care, food quality, leisure time activities, opportunities to advance in the Army, women in the military, and race relations, among other subjects. Most surveys contain information on the respondent's age, education, marital status, home town, religious affiliation, pre-military occupation, rank, branch of service, time in the service, and job assignment.

Record Group 389: Records of the Office of the Provost Marshal General

  • Records of World War II Prisoners of War AAD
    ARC ID: 583428
    Technical Documentation: 67 pages of main documentation; 100 pages supplemental documentation; layouts and code tables available through AAD

    This series has information about U.S. military officers and soldiers and U.S. and some Allied civilians who were prisoners of war and internees held by Japanese or German powers.

Collection ADBC: Records of the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor

  • World War II Prisoners of the Japanese Data Files, ca. 1941 - ca. 1945 AAD
    ARC ID: 731002
    Technical Documentation: 30-49 pages and through AAD

    This series contains information on military personnel and a few civilians who were prisoners of the Japanese during World War II. The American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor compiled these records from the series "Records of World War II Prisoners of War, 1942-1947," the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor registration cards, unit rosters, and other sources.

Related Information

Theodore J. Hull, "Electronic Records in the National Archives for World War II Research," Prologue 26 (Fall 1994): 166-169.

Theodore J. Hull, "The World War II Army Enlistment Records File and Access to Archival Databases," Prologue 38 (Spring 2006): 54-60.

Lee A. Gladwin, "Top Secret: Recovering and Breaking the U.S. Army and Army Air Force Order of Battle Codes, 1941-1945," Prologue 32 (Fall 2000): 174-182.

Lee A. Gladwin, "American POWs on Japanese Ships Take a Voyage into Hell," Prologue 35 (Winter 2003): 30-39.

NARA brochure, Finding Information on Personal Participation in World War II

NARA Reference Information Paper 78, Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II "The American Soldier" Surveys

NARA Reference Information Paper 80, Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II: American Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees

NARA Reference Information Paper 82, A Finding Aid to Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II: American Military Casualties and Burials

World War II Japanese American Internment and Relocation Records in the National Archives

Other finding aids and guides are listed on Selected Finding Aids Related to NARA's World War II Holdings

Contact Us

Reference Services
Electronic and Special Media Records Services Division (NWME)
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
(301) 837-0470
e-mail: cer@nara.gov

October 2008

Electronic and Special Media Records Main Page

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 • Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272