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The Administration on Aging is sponsoring an effort to develop and field-test a core set of performance measures for state and community programs on aging operating under the Older Americans Act (OAA). The Performance Outcomes Measures project (POMP) helps States and Area Agencies on Aging assess their own program performance, while assisting AoA to meet the accountability provisions of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) program assessment requirements. OMB uses their Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) to evaluate program performance.

The collection of timely, accurate, and comparable data is of growing importance with GPRA, the advent of PART, and related state and local initiatives that link continued funding to demonstrated program benefits and outcomes. Through annual performance reports, Federal agencies provide detailed information on their progress in meeting program performance objectives. Congress and OMB now use performance information to support budget decisions. Many state and local governments are requiring similar systems of accountability to document results and justify funding.

Performance Measures Indicators

The project has been developing and refining performance measurement surveys for the assessment of services provided under Title III of the OAA for the past five years. The following areas have been studied under POMP with current work under way to develop two new performance measurement surveys for service recipients and providers.

  1. Caregivers
  2. Case Management
  3. Congregate Nutrition Program
  4. Homemaker Service
  5. Home Delivered Nutrition Program
  6. Information and Assistance Assessment
  7. Senior Centers
  8. Transportation Service

In addition, survey instruments were designed to document client characteristics. These include physical functioning, social functioning, emotional well-being, and demographic information.


Federal Register notice announcing Advanced POMP 2007-2008 just published.

Tables from the Second AoA service recipient survey 2004 are now available.

Cynthia Bauer
Project Officer
Administration on Aging
(202) 357-0145

Robert Ficke
Project Director
(301) 294-2835

CaregiverCase ManagementCongregate MealsHome CareHome Delivered Meals
Information & AssistanceSenior CentersTransportation