USDA Forest Service

Umatilla National Forest

  Cabin Rentals
  Points of Interest
  Scenic Drives
 Winter Sports
Natural Resources
Timber Resources
Resource Advisory Committees (RACs)
  District Offices
Heppner Ranger District
North Fork John Day Ranger District
Pomeroy Ranger District
Walla Walla Ranger District

Umatilla National Forest
2517 S.W. Hailey Avenue
Pendleton, OR 97801


USDA and Forest Service Logo

Opportunities - Hunting

Public-Use Restrictions and Alerts

Current restrictions and alerts

Campground, Road & Trail Information

Updated Recreation Report

Hunter's Checklist (PDF 62kb)- Don't leave home without it!

Maps, Passes and Permits

Maps For Sale
Hunting Units that include
Umatilla National Forest Lands



  • Desolation
  • Fossil
  • Heppner
  • Ukiah
  • Starkey
  • Mt. Emily
  • Walla Walla
  • Wenaha
  • Touchet
  • Tucannon
  • Wenaha
  • Lick Creek
  • Grouse Creek


Passes & Permits

  • Northwest Forest Pass - parking at participating trailheads

  • Firewood, Mushrooms, Post & Pole

firewoodCamp Firewood

Firewood for campfires on National Forest lands is free. A woodcutting permit is not necessary when collecting wood for a campfire. However, if the wood is being gathered for home use or if you plan to transport leftover firewood home, you will need to purchase a woodcutting permit.

Weather & Road Conditions

State Fish & Wildlife Sites

Neighboring National Forest Sites


News Room

Check out our recent news releases. See what's happening in and around the forest that could effect your hunt!

Fire Management Related Links

Fall Prescribed Burning and Hunting: Prescribed burning is a valuable tool for wildland managers and is used to accomplish several goals. Most often the goal is to reduce dead fuel accumulation which reduces the risk of intense wildfire that can threaten communities and forest habitats. Prescribed fire also replenishes the soil and stimulates new nutritious browse and forage for wildlife.
Prescribed burning is highly dependent upon weather conditions such as temperatures, wind speed, relative humidity, and fuel moistures. Fall weather provides the best conditions for prescribed burning, typically during the months of October and November. Check to see if prescribed burns are planned in you hunting area.

Pendleton Interagency Communication Center (PICC)

NWCC - Northwest Interagency Coordination Center - NWCC provides general fire information for the Northwest. Includes fire maps, news releases, visitor information, job-related information and links to fire restriction and closure information. (Oregon & Washington)

NIFC - National Interagency Fire Center - Located in Boise, Idaho, NIFC is the nationwide clearinghouse for information on current wildland fire status and national situation reports.

National Fire News - National Interagency Coordination Center

National Interagency Coordination Center Incident Management Situation (SIT) Report 

NOIFC - Northeast Oregon Interagency Fire Center - Located in LaGrande, Oregon, NOIFC is home for the Northeast Oregon Interagency Dispatch Center (NOIDC),  and the La Grande Regional Fire Cache; servicing an Interagency group of wildland fire protection agencies at the local, Regional, and National levels.

Active Fire Mapping - Here you will find information on current large fires, active fire maps, and fire imagery as seen by the MODIS instrument on board NASA's EOS satellites, Terra & Aqua.

Northwest Fire Prevention Education - one-stop-shopping for current information on public-use restrictions, area access closures and fire prevention messages throughout Oregon and Washington .

For up-to-date 
firewood & public-use restrictions, call:




USDA Forest Service - Umatilla National Forest
Last Modified:  Thursday, 15-Jan-2009 14:15:31 EST

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.