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Wake Vortex Bibliography

This annotated bibliography consists of abstracts of publications on aircraft wake vortices. Experimental and theoretical articles are included and consider the formation, structure, motion, and decay of vortices and their effect on penetrating aircraft. For more information about the Wake Vortex Bibliography, please read the Preface.

The printed version of this document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161.

The online version of the Wake Vortex Bibliography was last updated in February 2008. For more information about reports referenced in this bibliography, please contact Frank Wang at Frank.Wang@dot.gov. For proposed additions, deletions, or other changes, please complete the Wake Vortex Bibliography Update form.


  • Searches are not case sensitive. Typing "WAKE" produces the same results as typing "wake".
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Abstract Search:

Search for a document by its abstract. Enter a search term or phrase into the first search box. To narrow your search, enter an additional term or phrase into the second search box. Click Title link to view full record, including Abstract.
