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FY 2008 Annual Performance Review

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Programs

HIV Care Grants to States (Part B)


Key Outputs

FY 2005

FY 2006

FY 2007

FY 2007

FY 2008

FY 2008

FY 2009

Long – Term Objective:  Expand the Capacity of the Health Care Safety Net.


Number of visits for health-related care (primary medical, dental, mental health, substance abuse, rehabilitativea, and home health).

2.34 M

2.12 Mb

1.56 M

2.06 M

2.14 M


2.14 M

a   Beginning in 2007 this constitutes Home and Community Based Services.
b   This FY 2006 actual performance is different than that shown in the FY 2009 Congressional Justification due to a contractor reporting error.


Long-Term Objective:  Expand the Capacity of the Health Care Safety Net.

18.I.A.1. Number of visits for health-related care (primary medical, dental, mental health, substance abuse, rehabilitative, and home health).

The number of visits for health-related care (primary medical, dental, mental health, substance abuse, rehabilitative, and home health) was selected as the best measure demonstrating progress toward the program’s goal to increase access to health care and related services for individuals with HIV/AIDS. 

The Part B programs have been successful in helping to ensure that people living with HIV/AIDS can get the care and services they need to stay healthy longer.  Part B programs provided 2.06 million visits in 2007.  The actual performance for FY 2007 exceeded the target by 500,000 visits.  This however was a decrease from FY 2006, when 2.12 million Part B visits were provided.  In FY 2005, Part B provided 2.34 million visits.  The FY 2009 target of visits for health-related care is 2.14 million visits.  (See section below on “Targets Substantially Exceeded or Not Met.”)


Measure:  Number of visits for health-related care (primary medical, dental, mental health, substance abuse, rehabilitative, and home health).

FY 2007 Target: 1.56 million visits
FY 2007 Result: 2.06 million visits

The number of visits for health-related care (primary medical, dental, mental health, substance abuse, rehabilitative, and home health) exceeded the target by 500,000 visits in 2007.  There has been a declining trend in client visits is the past years as follows.  In FY 2005 there were 2.34 million health-related care visits reported and FY 2006 produced 2.12 million visits.  The decrease in visits may be the result of fewer Part B providers and fewer clients served, and the impact of health care inflation. 
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program has adjusted future targets to reflect the performance in FY 2006.  Patient outreach and follow-up are among the strategies grantees use to achieve targets.

The number of visits provided by the Part B program has far exceeded the FY 2007 target, which translated to increased access to services for many more low-income, uninsured and underinsured people affected by HIV/AIDS.