United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA MidSouth Healthcare Network

Feature Article - Should You Eat Organic?

Veterans Health Watch

Foods labeled "organic" certainly cost more than traditional offerings, but what does organic mean - and what are you actuallyMan and Woman at organic market getting for your money?

The term organic means fruits and vegetables are grown without artificial fertilizers or pesticides.  Organic animal products such as meat and eggs come from animals that are fed 100-percent organic food, aren't given antibiotics or growth hormones and have access to the outdoors.  Foods that bear the voluntary "USDA Organic" sticker are grown, handled and processed in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines.

Right now, no research proves that organic foods are better for you nutritionally or that they're safer than their nonorganic equivalents.  So when it comes to the organic-versus-conventional debate, it's a personal choice.  When deciding whether to go organic, consider these points:

  • Pesticides can leave a residue on produce.  Buying organic limits exposure to these chemicals, although experts say the amount of pesticides on produce doesn't constitute a health risk.
  • Organic foods cost more because the farming practices used are more labor intensive and the government's organic regulations are strict.  However, organic farming is generally kinder to the environment.
  • Is organic fruit - possibly shipped from thousands of miles away - better than locally grown produce that isn't certified organic?  Local foods certainly may be fresher.  Some people say organic foods taste better, while others can't tell the difference.  If taste is the most important thing to you, going with the freshest vegetables - organic or not - is probably your best bet.
  • Organic fruits and vegetables may spoil faster because they aren't treated with preservatives.  Their appearance may not be as appealing.

Labels 101

What exactly do those organic labels mean? Learn the lingo:

  • 100 percent organic means products are completely organic or made of all organic ingredients.
  • Organic products are at least 95 percent organic.
  • Made with organic ingredients means the product contains at least 70 percent organic ingredients, but the organic seal isn't permitted.




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