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QUERI Project

RRP 07-315
Community Re-Integration Problems and Treatment Preferences Among OIF/OEF Veterans
Nina A. Sayer PhD
VA Medical Center
Minneapolis, MN
Funding Period: October 2007 - September 2008

Veterans returning from OIF/OEF face the interrelated challenges of processing their combat experiences, coping with physical or emotional injuries, and re-integrating into civilian life. As of this writing, almost 26,000 soldiers have been injured as part of OIF/OEF and the rate of psychological disturbances in OIF/OEF Veterans is as high as 19%. Even in the absence of diagnosable medical problems, combat exposures can make it difficult to re-adjust to civilian life. Although the VA recognizes the need for research focused on community re-integration, there are no published studies describing the extent or types of community re-integration problems among OIF/OEF veterans, or the treatment preferences of new veterans wanting help with community reintegration issues. This study fills this important gap and provides information needed for the planning of future programs and interventions to meet the needs of these veterans (QUERI Steps 1 to 3). Findings will provide information on veteran needs and preferences needed to design a RCT of an already developed, innovative, empirically-supported intervention to promote psychological and physical rehabilitation and community re-integration among new veterans (QUERI Step 4).

1. To describe the prevalence and types of community re-integration problems faced by OIF/OEF veterans and to determine whether these problems vary by race or gender.
2. To assess preferences for interventions to promote adaptation to civilian life (including for internet-based interventions), interest in receiving such help, and to determine whether treatment preferences and interests vary by race or gender.

Design: Cross sectional survey of nationally representative sample of OIF/OEF veterans. Sample Frame and Plan: OIF/OEF veterans will be identified through the OIF/OEF Roster. The sampling plan will involve dividing the population of OIF/OEF veterans from the Roster into 6 geographic strata and then stratifying the sample by gender (Male, Female) and race (White, NonWhite). We will randomly select 50 individuals to recruit from each of the 24 strata for a total of 1,200 veterans. Procedures: Standard mail survey methodology with expected response rate approaching 70%. Survey Material: The Reintegration Survey assesses re-integration problems, physical and emotional problems and treatment preferences using standardized questionnaires.
Main Type of Analysis: Chi-squared tests and a combination of survey logistic and loglinear models will be used to examine the impact of different factors (including race and gender) on prevalence rates, types of problems, treatment preference and interests, and non-response rates.

No results at this time.

This study will provide VA with information needed to plan future programming to meet the needs of new veterans with problems re-integrating into civilian life. This PT/BRI QUERI study team will incorporate findings into a RCT of an innovative, patient-centered version of an empirically supported intervention (Expressive Writing) developed to promote physical and psychological rehabilitation and community re-integration among new veterans.

None at this time.

DRA: Military and Environmental Exposures
DRE: Prevention, Treatment, Rehabilitation
Keywords: Caregivers – not professionals, Patient preferences, PTSD
MeSH Terms: none