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HSR&D Study

MHS 03-218
Creating HealtheVet Informatics Applications for Collaborative Care
Edmund F. Chaney PhD
VA Puget Sound Health Care System
Seattle, WA
Funding Period: October 2004 - April 2007

Collaborative care chronic illness management requires informatics support to function effectively. VA has made great strides in clinical informatics development in CPRS. However collaborative care poses unique requirements that are not met by current generation software or the recently released CPRS-R care management module.

The goal is to design an informatics application for use by collaborative care teams to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of care for chronic illness. We will determine what features are needed to support collaborative care management throughout the VA, in different clinical contexts and for different disorders. We will program a prototype software module for depression and schizophrenia collaborative care and conduct pilot testing to determine the feasibility and usefulness of the software. We will design the software to be compatible with the next generation VA HealtheVet software system.

The project has three phases, feature determination, programming and pilot evaluation of the prototype module. We will work with clinicians, administrators and researchers with expertise in collaborative care for a variety of chronic disorders to review current and planned CPRS/HealtheVet depression collaborative care management support tools with the goal of identifying gaps requiring further development. We will develop a prototype module incorporating as many additional desirable features as is practicable. We will work with VIReC and VA Office of Information to make possible eventual incorporation of these additional care management features into CPRS/HealtheVet. We will use expert panel methodology, just-in-time programming and usability analyses.

We are currently working with the software developer to specify the required features of the software module. We anticipate that the Expert Panel will provide us with a more detailed understanding of the required features. We are also working with Dr. Lysell and the VA MHSHCG to ensure that the CHIACC module works well with the Mental Health Assistant package that is currently being developed for CPRS-R. \

We are working on a comprehensive review of the literature addressing informatics support for collaborative care efforts.

Anticipated impact is to make participation in collaborative care treatments easier for clinicians and to assist patient chronic illness self-management efforts. The project bridges informatics for disease management and care management and we will provide an example of integration of these two approaches.

None at this time.

DRA: Health Services and Systems, Mental Illness
DRE: Technology Development and Assessment
Keywords: Depression, Schizophrenia
MeSH Terms: none