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HMT Research to Operations (R2O) Workshop

May 14, 2008

The NOAA Hydrometeorological Test Bed (HMT) program is sponsoring a HMT Research to Operations (R2O) Workshop, 20-21 May 2008 and the HMT Annual Meeting 22-23 May in Sacramento, CA at the Joint Operations Center (home to the California-Nevada River Forecast Center (CNRFC) and the Sacramento Weather Forecast Office (WFO) and other federal/state agencies). Participants include researchers from NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory, National Severe Storms Laboratory, and the National Weather Service. Attendees will identify "technologies" developed in HMT, which are ready to be transitioned into operations in the near term, and develop an execution plan. Intended outcomes include an exchange of knowledge leading to a better understanding of NWS operational procedures, pressures and gaps at the CNRFC and in the WFOs, and a clear sense of HMT's scientific and technological developments to date. A report will be developed that identifies one or more candidate technologies for infusion into NWS operations, identifies long-term prospects and defines an implementation strategy to achieve it.

HMT is a NOAA demonstration program designed to improve flood forecasting by accelerating the infusion of new technologies, forecast models, and scientific results from the research community into daily operations of the National Weather Service, including Weather Forecast Offices, River Forecast Centers and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

NOAA's Weather and Water Mission includes goals for improving the predictability of floods to better protect the public from losses of life and property. HMT provides a laboratory for NWS hydrologists and meteorologists to work closely with researchers from OAR to develop and evaluate new methods of monitoring and predicting extreme precipitation, which can be transitioned to operations. Lessons learned during HMT in the American River Basin can be applied elsewhere, in particular to the West Coast of the U.S.

Contact: Tim Schneider More Information: