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Renal Cell Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)
Patient Version   Health Professional Version   En español   Last Modified: 05/22/2008

Purpose of This PDQ Summary

General Information

Cellular Classification

Stage Information

Treatment Option Overview

Stage I Renal Cell Cancer

Stage II Renal Cell Cancer

Stage III Renal Cell Cancer

Stage IV and Recurrent Renal Cell Cancer

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Note: Estimated new cases and deaths from renal cell (kidney and renal pelvis) cancer in the United States in 2008:[1]

  • New cases: 54,390.
  • Deaths: 13,010.

Renal cell cancer, also called renal adenocarcinoma, or hypernephroma, can often be cured if it is diagnosed and treated when still localized to the kidney and to the immediately surrounding tissue. The probability of cure is directly related to the stage or degree of tumor dissemination. Even when regional lymphatics or blood vessels are involved with tumor, a significant number of patients can achieve prolonged survival and probable cure.[2] When distant metastases are present, disease-free survival is poor; however, occasional selected patients will survive after surgical resection of all known tumor. Because a majority of patients are diagnosed when the tumor is still relatively localized and amenable to surgical removal, approximately 40% of all patients with renal cancer survive for 5 years. Occasionally, patients with locally advanced or metastatic disease may exhibit indolent courses lasting several years. Late tumor recurrence many years after initial treatment also occasionally occurs.

Renal cell cancer is one of the few tumors in which well-documented cases of spontaneous tumor regression in the absence of therapy exist, but this occurs very rarely and may not lead to long-term survival. Surgical resection is the mainstay of treatment of this disease. Even in patients with disseminated tumor, locoregional forms of therapy may play an important role in palliating symptoms of the primary tumor or of ectopic hormone production. Systemic therapy has demonstrated only limited effectiveness.

(Refer to the PDQ summaries on Wilms Tumor Treatment and Transitional Cell Cancer of the Renal Pelvis and Ureter Treatment for more information.)


  1. American Cancer Society.: Cancer Facts and Figures 2008. Atlanta, Ga: American Cancer Society, 2008. Also available online. Last accessed October 1, 2008. 

  2. Sene AP, Hunt L, McMahon RF, et al.: Renal carcinoma in patients undergoing nephrectomy: analysis of survival and prognostic factors. Br J Urol 70 (2): 125-34, 1992.  [PUBMED Abstract]

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