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Organizational Surveys

Survey of VHA Researchers

Conducted at the request of the Chief Research and Development Officer, the annual Survey of VA Researchers is designed to assess researchers' views of the current status of research in VA and the support they receive from the local, VISN and national VA offices. The FY1998, FY1999, FY2000, and FY2001 surveys were designed, conducted and analyzed by the Health Services Research and Development Service in Ann Arbor, working through the Management Decision and Research Center (MDRC). The MDRC administered and analyzed the FY2002 surveys directly.

Survey Results

The 2002 survey, reported here, was completed by 2,618 researchers across VA, with a response rate of 61%. Results are provided at the national, VISN and local levels. The VISN links at the right provide access to both the VISN results and the results for the facilities in that VISN. For reasons of score reliability and respondent confidentiality, results are reported only for those facilities with 10 or more respondents.

Case studies of influences on researcher satisfaction:

The 2002 survey shows substantial variation in researcher satisfaction among facilities. In order to better understand this variation, and more specifically, to identify factors associated with high researcher satisfaction in VA, we conducted case studies in six medical centers with high satisfaction scores and in four medical centers with low survey satisfaction scores. In each facility, we asked investigators and research administrators for their opinions about why researcher satisfaction was especially high - or low. From their accounts, we identified six factors that distinguish between high and low satisfaction medical centers. See the case study results.