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Methodological Challenges to Management Research

As a discipline, management research is a social science that seeks to contribute to both theoretical and applied knowledge. To make this contribution, management research, like all other social science research, must be conducted in accordance with methodological principles that ensure the validity and utility of the results. But meeting standards for vigorous research is not always easy for management researchers. Health care organizations are complex. Concepts of interest are often difficult to measure. In this vein, management research presents special methodological issues and challenges that need to be recognized in any initiative to support and expand this discipline.

This section discusses the specific challenges presented by management research - and some strategies for dealing with them. To illustrate selected strategies, the section offers a case example of a reviewer critique of a management research proposal - and the investigators' response to the critique. It also includes a discussion about using qualitative research for hypothesis testing.

For basic methods of good health services research, consult the white paper by Lee Sechrest, Ph.D., entitled Methodological Issues in Management Research, prepared for the MDRC workshop on Management Research in VA.5

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