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Organizational Surveys

National Quality Improvement Survey (NQIS)

To date, the MDRC has completed three administrations of the National Quality Improvement Survey (NQIS): 1997, 1998 and 2000. The NQIS included measures of general organization culture, based on the conceptual model articulated by Zammuto and Krakower (1991), and quality focus, based on the concepts of total quality management and continuous quality improvement (TQM/CQI). The NQIS data are available for use by other VA health services researchers. Data regarding general organization culture will be collected again in early FY 2004 in conjunction with the national VA employee survey.


Zammuto, R.F. and Krakower, J.Y. (1991). Quantitative and qualitative studies of organizational culture. Research in organizational change and development, 5, 83-114.