Alex Friedland

I am a staff scientist ("Technical Staff Member") in the Elementary Particles and Field Theory group (T-8) of the Theoretical division of the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

I came to LANL in November of 2002 as a Richard P. Feynman Fellow, from the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

Research Interests
* Particle astrophysics and cosmology
* Supernova physics
* Neutrinos in terrestrial experiments, astrophysics and cosmology
* LHC; its connection to cosmology and low energy experiments
* Dark energy and dark matter; gravity at large distances
* Particle physics models: EWSB, GUT, flavor physics
* List of my publications in the SPIRES database.
About me
*Brief biographical information
*My CV in pdf format
Contact information
           Alexander Friedland
           Theoretical Division, T-8, MS B285,
           Los Alamos National Laboratory,
           PO Box 1663,
           Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545-0285
           For email, phone and FAX numbers, 
           please click here 
* SF08 workshop (Schedule of talks here) NEW!
* DR project on cosmic explosions (Schedule of talks here)
* INFO 07 workshop (Talks posted here)
* SF 06 workshop (Talks posted here)
* INFO 05 workshop (Talks posted here)

My other website could be more up-to-date

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Alexander Friedland
Last modified: Mon Jul 7 15:55:34 MDT 2008