Community Relations Office  
January 2006, Issue No. 10

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Happy New Year!!

Think about this statement by Norman MacEwan: "Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

As we begin this New Year, many of us have a mental list of resolutions...some of which we�ll forget in a few short weeks unless we write them down. Here�s one to write down and keep by your phone. Resolve to make the time to share more of yourself with others. Time, appreciation, kindness, and experience are year-round gifts from you that others would welcome. Whether in the workplace or at home, your co-workers, friends, and very definitely your families would like to have more of your time, your acknowledgement of their hard work, your kind acts, and to know more about your life/work experiences. We each have an opportunity to leave a life legacy, and doing so only begins by sharing a bit of �you� with others.

Make it a Happy New Year!

Suspense is Over  
The Department of Energy announced on December 21 that Los Alamos National Security�a team headed by the University of California and Bechtel Corporation�has been selected to manage Los Alamos National Laboratory, beginning June 1. The University of California has operated the Lab since its founding in 1943. Bechtel is an international engineering, construction, and project management company.

We encourage you to take a look at the Lab�s transition website. And if you ever have questions about the transition, feel free to email them to the Community Relations Office at We�ll do our best to get you the answers or information you need.

Help with Transition Jitters  
There is a friendly, low-key alternative resource to help deal with contract transition issues. The Laboratory Ombuds Office�an independent and informal venue�is available to you.

Ombuds staff work with individuals or groups to facilitate constructive dialogue, mediate conflicts, coach, consult, and provide direction to other resources. This assistance is offered in confidence and impartially. Results can be extremely beneficial to individuals, to groups, and to overall Laboratory productivity.

�We're a first resource,� says Ombuds Office Director Camilla Lopez. �We don't replace the Lab's formal complaint processes but help you resolve issues at the lowest possible level before they get out of hand.�

It is important to note that the Ombuds doesn't participate in formal grievances, give legal advice, make or reverse administrative decisions, or receive �official notice� for the Laboratory.

We Hear You  
Results of the 2005 Community Leaders Survey are in. CRO commissions the study each year to measure perceptions� positive and negative�of the Laboratory�s performance among business, Tribal officials, government, and other community leaders. More than 400 persons were interviewed.

The survey covers areas ranging from employment and education to small business and Tribal relations. As in prior years, community leaders expressed considerable satisfaction with the Lab�s performance in support of education. The weakest area appeared to be perceptions of the Lab�s support for small, local businesses.

Survey results help pinpoint areas where the Laboratory�s community programs can be improved. This year�s results may be especially significant as the Lab�s new contractor, Los Alamos National Security, takes the helm in June.

Kudos for Local Groups  
Quality New Mexico has announced winners of its 2005 awards for progress and commitment to quality, and several northern New Mexico organizations are winners. QNM is a statewide group dedicated to promoting the Malcolm Baldrige principles of excellence in business and management.

Local winners include Northern New Mexico College in Espanola, Los Alamos Public Schools, St. Vincent Regional Medical Center, St. Francis Cathedral School in Santa Fe, and KSL Services, Internal Assessments, and PS-13 Training Services at the Lab. Kudos to these quality organizations!

It Took a Village  
The Lab�s 2005 Holiday Drive, conducted by CRO, provided holiday gifts to more than 1,000 northern New Mexico families, children, and seniors. Gift packages included food, clothing, and toys. Staff collected the gifts from drop-off boxes placed throughout the Laboratory.

Laboratory employees, including employees of KSL, PTLA, and other subcontractors, were especially generous this year, donating a large number of bicycles and other valuable items. Several times during the drive CRO offices overflowed with so many packages that elves had to be called in to distribute them through our community partners, the Salvation Army and the New Mexico Children, Youth & Families Department.

The LANL Three  
Three Laboratory managers�Jay Johnson, Belinda Padilla, and Lillian Montoya-Rael�have recently received professional recognition. Johnson, the Lab�s Chief Financial Officer, was named Financial Executive of the Year for the Rocky Mountain Region by the Institute of Management Accountants.

Johnson, who oversees six business units and more than 300 employees, was one of 200 nominees. According to Associate Lab Director Rich Marquez. "Jay's innovative and inspirational leadership was a key factor in the transformation of our business practices and our CFO organizations.�

Padilla and Montoya-Rael were named by the New Mexico Business Weekly as two of New Mexico�s 2006 Power Brokers� not the first time each has been so honored. Padilla is Technology Transfer�s Program Manager. Montoya-Rael is Director of the Community Relations Office. NMBW uses the term �power broker� to recognize New Mexicans who stand out as �making good things happen� for our state.

Capital Idea  
Small New Mexico technology companies interested in attracting venture capital will have a chance to show their stuff in Albuquerque this spring. Technology Ventures Corporation is asking firms to submit business plans and executive summaries for possible inclusion in the 2006 New Mexico Equity Capital Symposium. The submission deadline for business plans is January 5th, 2006.

Technology Ventures says the symposium �serves as a vehicle to connect expanding technology companies with investment opportunities.� The company says one out of three firms presenting at past symposiums has been funded. New Mexico companies using technologies developed with a national laboratory or other research institution are given preference when the company selects participants.

Consolidation of LANL Small Business Functions  
Effective January 3, 2006, Supply Chain Management Division will consolidate LANL's small business functions into a single organization, the Supply Chain Management Division, Small Business Program Office (SBO). Accordingly, the outreach and advocacy functions will return back to the Small Business Program Office and will no longer be performed by our Community Relations personnel, with the exception of Native American and Pueblo businesses. Tribal small business relations will continue to be handled by Vangie Trujillo.

You are encouraged to contact the following people regarding small business matters you may have with LANL. You will note that we have assigned primary roles for each person, however, you are welcome to contact anyone of these people by calling 505-667- 4419, their respective phone numbers, or emailing them at

  • James Kloeppel, 505-665-9997: environmental, staffing and technical support services
  • Carolyn Trujillo, 505-667-2526: commercial off-the-shelf products, catalog purchasing, and machine shop services
  • Laura Lovato, 505-665-4286: commercial off-the-shelf products, catalog purchasing, and machine shop services
  • Moe Zamora, 505-665-6578: architect/engineering, construction, and information technology services

Community Calendar  

Copyright � Los Alamos National Laboratory All right reserved.     PO Box 1663, MS A117 Los Alamos,NM 87545