USDA Forest Service

Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest


Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest
1200 Franklin Way
Sparks, NV 89431
(775) 331-6444


United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Table Mountain Wilderness

Table Mountain is located along the Table Mountain Range, east of Alta Toquima Wilderness and north of the McKinney Mountains of Central Nevada. With an average elevation just over 10,000 feet Table Mountain Wilderness offers much more than the high altitude found in the neighboring Wilderness Areas.

Over ten miles long and several miles wide, the Wilderness Area contains one of Nevada’s largest continuous stands of Aspen. After the initial climb to the top of the mountain, backpackers and stock users stroll across miles of trails that connect most of the Wilderness Area. Several springs give relatively easy access to water in many areas. Supported by the unique environment large species such as elk and deer make this mountain oasis home. Riparian areas support a wide variety of plants and animals. With relatively easy access from all sides, this Wilderness Area allows visitors many options for multi-day adventures.

Open spaces and breath taking scenery make Table Mountain Wilderness Area one of Central Nevada’s most desirable destinations.


Trailheads at Barley Creek, Mosquito Creek, North Mosquito Creek and Morgan Creek offer access on the western side, while Willow Creek, Clover Creek, Green Monster Canyon and Clear Creek offer access to the eastern side of Table Mountain Wilderness.

Maps and trail information are available from the Austin or Tonopah Ranger Station.

Nearest Nevada Towns: Both the towns of Austin and Tonopah offer lodging, restaurants and a great small town atmosphere.

Special Information

Maximum Group Sizes: A maximum of 15 persons and 25 head of stock utilizing “Leave No Trace” and minimum impact camping techniques are permitted within Wilderness Areas. Call the Ranger Station for more information.

Permits: None required.

Water: Several of the canyons and trails have water year round. At higher elevations water is scarce and must be brought from below. Filtering or boiling water for human consumption is recommended. To check water availability visit the USGS real time flow site.



USDA Forest Service - Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest
Last Modified: Tuesday, 11 September 2007 at 13:35:47 EDT

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