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Bollen, Johan. MESUR: metrics from scholarly usage of resources. Presented at the 5th Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5), April 18-20, 2007, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Bollen, Johan, Marko A. Rodriguez and Herbert Van de Sompel. MESUR: usage-based metrics of scholarly impact. ACM IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 18-23, 2007, Vancouver, Canada. Winner of Best Poster Award. LA-UR-07-0663.
Bollen, Johan, Marko A. Rodriguez and Herbert Van de Sompel. The largest scholarly semantic network...ever. Poster at the 16th International World Wide Web Conference, May 8-12, 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Winner of Best Poster Award. LA-UR-07-0664.
Collins, Linn Marks and Chaomei Chen. Information visualization and digital libraries. 8th Annual AISTI Mini-Conference, Santa Fe, NM, May 16, 2007. LA-UR-07-3205.
Collins, Linn Marks, Diana E. Northup, Mark L.B. Martinez, Johannes van Reenen, M. Alex Baker, Christy Crowley, James E. Powell, Jong Chun Park, and Susan Heckethorn. The karst collaborative workspace for analyzing and annotating scientific documents. HCI International 2007, Beijing, P.R. China, July 22-27, 2007. LA-UR-06-8599.
Goldsmith, Beth, Frances Knudson, Irma Holtkamp, Esha Datta, Laura Robinson and Valerie Trujillo. Iterative pipelining for transformation and quality: managing scale and workflow at the LANL Research Library aDORe Repository. Poster session at the Open Repositories Conference 2007 (OR07), San Antonio, TX, January 23-26, 2007. LA-UR-07-0367.
Guenther, Rebecca and Zhiwu Xie. Implementing PREMIS in container formats. Presented at IS&T Archiving 2007, Arlington, VA, May 21-24, 2007. LA-UR-07-3515.
Knudson, Frances. Content packaging for complex objects. Technical workshop, Bristol, England, February 1, 2007. LA-UR-07-0495.
Knudson, Frances. MPEG 21 - DIDL Tutorial. Bristol, England, January 31, 2007. LA-UR-07-0496.
Lagoze, Carl and Herbert Van de Sompel. The OAI Object Re-Use & Exchange (ORE) Initiative. Presented at Open Repositories 2007, San Antonio, TX, January 25, 2007.
Lynch, Clifford, Savas Parastatidis, Neil Jacobs, Herbert Van de Sompel and Carl Lagoze. The OAI-ORE effort: progress, challenges, synergies. ACM IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 18-23, 2007, Vancouver, Canada.
Mane, Ketan K. and Katy Borner. Computational diagnostic: a novel approach to view medical data. 5th Intternational Conference on Coordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization, Zurich, July 2, 2007. LA-UR-07-1486.
Pilkinton, Carole, Amanda Yesilbas, Rich Wenger, Wendy Robertson, Heather Tunender, and Kathy Varjabedian. Verde Discussion Group: Implementation, strategies & challenges. Panel discussion at ExLibris Users North America (ELUNA) Conference, Spearfish, SD, June 5-8, 2007.
Rodriguez, Marko, Jennifer Watkins, Johan Bollen, Carlos Gershenson. Using RDF to model the structure and process of systems. International Conference on Complex Systems 2007, October 28-November 2, Boston, MA. LA-UR-07-7051.
Rodriguez, Marko, Johan Bollen and Herbert Van de Sompel. A practical ontology for the large-scale modeling of scholarly artifacts and their usage. ACM IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 18-23, 2007, Vancouver, Canada. LA-UR-07-0665.
Scholze, Frank, Johan Bollen and Leslie Carr. Technical approaches to citations and usage analysis. Presented at the 5th Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5), April 18-20, 2007, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Van de Sompel, Herbert. OAI Object Re-Use and Exchange. Presented at the 5th Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5), April 18-20, 2007, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Van de Sompel, Herbert. The Open Archives Initiative's object re-use and exchange effort. 8th Annual AISTI Mini-Conference, Santa Fe, NM, May 16, 2007.
Varjabedian, Kathryn. Verde/SFX synchronization. Poster presentation at ExLibris Users North America (ELUNA) Conference, Spearfish, SD, June 5-8, 2007. LA-UR-07-3517.
Bekaert, Jeroen, Xiaoming Liu, Herbert Van de Sompel, Carl Lagoze, Sandy Payette and Simeon Warner. Pathways core: A data model for cross-repository services. 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2006: Opening Information Horizons, JCDL '06, Chapel Hill, NC, June 11-15, 2006; Proceedings p. 368. LA-UR-06-1283.
Bekaert, Jeroen, Xiaoming Liu, Herbert Van de Sompel, Carl Lagoze, Sandy Payette, and Simeon Warner. Pathways Core: A content model for cross-repository services. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 2006, Chapel Hill, NC. LA-UR-06-1283.
Bollen, Johan and Herbert Van de Sompel. An architecture for the aggregation and analysis of scholarly usage data. 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries JCDL '06, June 11-15,2006, Chapel Hill, NC. Proceedings p. 298-307.
Bollen, Johan and Herbert Van de Sompel. Defining usage-based metrics. Presentation at the Publishers Meeting, November 2, 2006 at George Washington University, Washington, DC. LA-UR-06-7627.
Bollen, Johan and Herbert Van de Sompel. Usage impact factor: the effects of sample characteristics on usage-based impact metrics. Presented at the Publishers' Meeting, November 2, 2006, George Washington University, Washington, DC. LA-UR-06-7626.
Chen, Chaomei, Brad Eden, Sherry Koshman, Linn Marks Collins, and Ray Uzwyshyn. Search Result Visualization Panel. American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting, Austin Texas, November 3-9, 2006.
Collins, Linn Marks. A Glimpse into eScience. Invited Talk, LANL Information Architecture Web Conference, May 16-18, 2006.
Collins, Linn Marks. Beyond Search: Or, Implications of Data-Intensive eScience for Repository Interfaces. Invited Talk, Purdue University, September 12, 2006. LA-UR-06-6389.
Collins, Linn Marks. Information visualization and large-scale repositories. Panel presentation at ASIS&T Annual Meeting - 2006, Austin, Texas, November 3-9, 2006. LA-UR-06-7801.
Collins, Linn Marks, Ketan Mane, Mark Martinez, Jeremy Hussell, and Rick Luce. ScienceSifter: Facilitating Activity Awareness in Collaborative Research Groups through Focused Information Feeds. Invited Talk, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, on the Access Grid, February 14-15, 2006.
Goldsmith, Beth and Frances Knudson. Looking back, looking forward: A metadata standard for LANL�s aDORe repository. Presented at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 2006, Chapel Hill, NC. LA-UR-06-2260.
Hey, Tony, Herbert Van de Sompel, Don Waters, Cliff Lynch and Carl Lagoze . Augmenting interoperability across scholarly repositories. Panel discussion at the 6th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries JCDL '06, Chapel Hill, NC. Summary available in the ACM Digital Library.
Knudson, Frances and Beth Goldsmith. Using the MPEG-21 DID standard to package digital content. Presented at the LITA 2006 National Forum, Nashville, TN, October 26-29, 2006.
Luce, Richard. What is eScience?. E-video. LA-UR-06-0373.
Robinson, Laura and Esha Datta. Project coordination and wikis : a Repository Team case study. Poster session at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, November 3-9, 2006. LA-UR-06-4561.
Robinson, Laura J. A GRA experience at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library. Poster presented at the SLA PNW/UW Annual Joint Meeting, February 15, 2006, Seattle, WA. LA-UR-06-2605.
Rodriguez, Marko A., Johan Bollen and Herbert Van de Sompel. Analysis of the bid behavior of the 2005 JCDL program committee. Poster presented at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 2006, Chapel Hill, NC. LA-UR-06-3864.
Van de Sompel, Herbert. The Brave New World of Scholarly Repositories. Presented at the 27th annual conference: Embedding Libraries in Learning and Research, Porto, Portugal May 22-25, 2006.
Van de Sompel, Herbert and Carl Lagoze. The OAI Object Re-Use & Exchange (ORE) Initiative. Presented at the CNI Task Force Meeting, Washington, DC, December 4, 2006.
Bekaert, Jeroen, and Herbert Van de Sompel. Access interfaces for open archival information systems based on the OAI-PMH and the OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services. DCC Symposium: Ensuring Long-term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical Data (PV 2005), November 21-23, 2005, Edinburgh. LA-UR-05-7606.
Bekaert, Jeroen, Xiaoming Liu, and Herbert Van de Sompel. Representing digital assets for long-term preservation using MPEG-21 DID. DCC Symposium: Ensuring Long-term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical Data (PV 2005) Nov. 21-23, 2005, Nov. 21-23, 2005, Edinburgh. LA-UR-05-6878.
Bekaert, Jeroen, Xiaoming Liu, and Herbert Van de Sompel. Using standards in digital library design and development. Tutorial presented at Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JDCL), 2005. LA-UR-05-5219.
Bekaert, Jeroen, Xiaoming Liu, Herbert Van de Sompel. aDORe, a modular and standards-based Digital Object Repository. Poster Session, Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Denver, CO, June 2005.
Bollen, J., M. L. Nelson, R. Araujo, G. Geisler. Video recommendations for the Open Video Project. JCDL Poster Session, Denver, CO, June 2005.
Bollen, Johan, and Herbert Van de Sompel. A framework for assessing the impact of units of scholarly communication based on OAI-PMH harvesting of usage information. CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI4), October 20-22, 2005, Geneva, Switzerland. LA-UR-05-8420.
Bollen, Johan, Oren Beit-Arie and Herbert Van de Sompel. The bX Project: federating the mining usage logs from linking servers. CNI (Coalition for Networked Information) Fall Task Force Meeting, Deember 5-6, 2005, Phoenix, Arizona. LA-UR-05-9439.
Collins, Linn Marks, Ketan K. Mane, Mark L. B. Martinez, Jeremy A. T. Hussell, and Richard E. Luce. ScienceSifter: Facilitating activity awareness in collaborative research groups through focused information feeds. First IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, Melbourne, Australia, December 5-8, 2005.
Liu, Xiaoming, Lyudmila Balakireva, Patrick Hochstenbach, and Herbert Van de Sompel. File-based storage of Digital Objects and constituent datastreams: XMLtapes and Internet Archive ARC files. European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL), 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, v.3652, p. 254-65. LA-UR-05-6467.
Luce, Richard. A bubbling cauldron: The global threads in open access activities. Alliance for Innovation in Scientific and Technical Information (AISTI) Mini-Conference. Santa Fe, NM. May 26, 2005.
Luce, Rick. Thriving in chaos: a strategic approach to enable organizational innovation. 49th Annual Military Librarians Workshop, December 5-9, 2005, Las Vegas, NV. LA-UR-05-9362.
Nelson, Michael, Herbert Van de Sompel, Xiaoming Liu, Terry Harrison, Nathan McFarland. mod_oai: An Apache module for metadata harvesting. European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL), 2005, Vienna, Austria. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, v. 3652, p.509-510.
Rocha, Luis M., Tiago Simas, Andreas Rechststeiner, Mariella Di Giacomo, and Richard Luce. MyLibrary@LANL: Proximity and semi-metric networks for a collaborative and recommender web service. In: Proceedings 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI '05), Compiegne University of Technology, France, Sept. 19-22, 2005. LA-UR-05-5222.
Van de Sompel, Herbert. Lessons in cross-repository interoperability learned from the aDORe effort. Building the Info Grid, Copenhagen, 26-27 September 2005.
Van de Sompel, Herbert. Untitled I: challenges ahead. Keynote at the Olybris 2005 Ex Libris Seminar, Kos, Greece, April 18, 2005.
Blake, Miriam, and Beth Goldsmith. Using MARCXML for archiving, transforming, and displaying complex bibliographic citation metadata: A surprisingly flexible and robust option. LITA National Forum, October 7 - 10, 2004, St. Louis, Missouri.
Di Giacomo, Mariella. Web-based personal digital libraries: MyLibrary@LANL. Swiss National Library, Bern, May 17, 2004; CERN Library, Geneva, May 18, 2004. LA-UR-04-2742.
Di Giacomo, Mariella, Beth Goldsmith, Miriam Blake and Mark Martinez. Speed, flexibility, security: The MySQL solution to a large-store XML dilemma. MySQL Users Conference, Orlando, April 14-16, 2004. LA-UR-04-0190.
Di Giacomo, Mariella, Mark Martinez and Jeff Scott. A large-scale digital library system to integrate heterogeneous data of distributed databases. Euro-Par 2004 Conference, Pisa, Italy, 31 August - 3 September, 2004. LA-UR-04-0957.
Jerez, Henry R., Xiaoming Liu, Patrick Hochstenbach, Herbert Van de Sompel. Repository architectures: The multi-faceted use of the OAI-PMH in the LANL repository. Presented at the 4th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Tucson, AZ.
Liu, Xiaoming, Johan Bollen, Michael Nelson, Herbert Van de Sompel, Jeremy Hussell, Rick Luce and Linn Marks. Toolkits for visualizing co-authorship graph. Poster at the 4th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital libraries.
Luce, Richard. Access to government technical reports vs. security responsibilities: searching for a sustainable balance. Invited lecture: PORTIA NSF Workshop on Sensitive Data in Medical, Financial, and Content-Distribution Systems. Stanford University, July 8-9, 2004.
Luce, Richard. Connecting with customers: Key elements of a customer focused organization. Lecture: International School on the Digital Library and E-publishing for Science, Technology and Medicine. June 18, 2004. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Luce, Richard. Leadership: Reflections on leading in turbulent times . 3rd Annual MPLA Leadership Institute. December 2, 2004. Ghost Ranch, NM.
Luce, Richard. Leadership: The personal dimension. Keynote address: UNESCO, WHO and the International School on the Digital Library and E-publishing for Science, Technology and Medicine. June 16, 2004. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Luce, Richard. New digital library applications: What's on the horizon?. Keynote address: UNESCO, WHO and the International School on the Digital Library and E-publishing for Science, Technology and Medicine. June 16, 2004. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Luce, Richard. Open access to scientific literature: A view from North America. 50th Anniversary of the Brazilian Institute of Information Scientific and Technological (IBICT) of the Ministry of Science & Technology. ISTEC/IEEE International Symposium in Digital Libraries. May 21, 2004. UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil.
Luce, Richard. Sorting the puzzle pieces as AISTI faces the future. Fifth Annual AISTI Mini-conference, "Forces of Innovation on Digital Libraries". Alliance for Innovation in Science and Technology Information. Santa Fe, NM. May 11, 2004.
Luce, Richard. Supporting scientific research with new digital library capabilities. Keynote address, Second ISTEC/IEEE International Symposium in Digital Libraries. May 19, 2004. UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil. LA-UR 04-1674.
Luce, Richard. The digital library future: Where are we going?. Elsevier Science Strategic Partners & Endeavor Users Group, American Library Association Mid-Winter Conference, San Diego, CA. January 14, 2004.
Luce, Richard. The open access debate. International School on the Digital Library and E-publishing for Science, Technology and Medicine. June 15, 2004. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Luce, Richard. Thriving in chaos: A strategic approach to enable organizational innovation. Keynote: Living the Future 5 Conference: Strategically Striving and Surviving. April 16, 2004. Tucson, AZ.
Van de Sompel, Herbert. Motivation, inspiration and innovation from frustration. Keynote at the VALA 2004 Conference, Melbourne, Australia, February 4, 2004.
Blake, Miriam, Beth Goldsmith, and Mariella Di Giacomo. The XML project: Integrated access to scientific resources utilizing XML, open source software, metadata, and reference linking. LITA National Forum, October 2 - 5, 2003, Norfolk, Virginia.
Bollen, Johan, Rick Luce, Soma Sekhara Vemulapalli, and Weining Xu. Detecting research trends in digital library readership. Conference Proceedings: European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL). Trondheim, Norway. August 19, 2003.
Hochstenbach, Patrick, Henry Jerez, and Herbert Van de Sompel. The OAI-PMH static repository and static repository gateway. Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, May 27-31, 2003, Houston. LA-UR-03-0677.
Jerez, Henry N. Replication and metadata harvesting for distributed learning objects on the Chips 'n' Salsa Project. Finalist Paper, SHPE National Technical and Career Conference, January 8 - 12, 2003, New Orleans.
Luce, Richard. A quantum leap: Shifting from physical to digital in a hybrid library. Buying and Selling eContent, Outsell Executive Conference: From Physical to Digital: Future Realities and Changing Venues. Scottsdale, Arizona. April 15, 2003.
Luce, Richard. Beyond pre-print servers and extensions to other fields. Symposium on Electronic Scientific, Technical, and Medical Journal Publishing and Its Implications. National Academy of Sciences. May 20, 2003.
Luce, Richard. Managing like it matters: Using business practices. Beyond Internet Librarians - Organizational Innovation, Internet Librarian, November 5, 2003. Monterey CA.
Luce, Richard. New business models for scientific publishing in the age of e-Science and the World Wide Web: paying whom for what?. Max Planck Gesellshaft. Berlin. October 20-22, 2003.
Luce, Richard. New directions in digital library developments. International Digital Library Conference. Symposium on digital library software development, sponsored by NSF and CNpQ (Brazillian NSF). Campinas, Brazil, 18 March, 2003.
Luce, Richard. New directions in digital library developments. International Digital Library Conference in Campinas, Brazil, 18 March, 2003. Symposium on digital library software development, sponsored by NSF and CNpQ (Brazillian NSF). LA-UR 03-2736.
Luce, Richard. Organizational innovation: Using business practices. Beyond Internet Librarians, Internet Librarian, November 3-5, 2003, Monterey CA.
Luce, Richard. Out of the quagmire: A focus on institutional repositories. Communication and the Common Good: A Symposium for the University of New Mexico�s Academic Community. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. February 27, 2003. LA-UR 03-2674.
Luce, Richard. Re-arranging digital library building blocks to support geographically distributed scientific research. International Strategic Partners Program, Elsevier Science. Philadelphia, PA. January 22, 2003.
Luce, Richard. Scientific communication (and publishing): New roles at the dawn of the era of e-Science. International Conference on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities. Max Planck Gesellshaft. Berlin, Germany. October 21, 2003. LA-UR 03-8252.
Luce, Richard. Supporting scientific research with new digital library capabilities. Scientific Council, Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany. February 13, 2003.
Luce, Richard. Supporting scientific research with new digital library capabilities. Ibero-American Digital Library Joint Project Development Symposium. Sponsored by the Universidad de Campinas and the Research Council of the State of Sao Paulo (FAPESP). Campinas, Brazil, 19 March 2003. LA-UR 03-2737.
Luce, Richard. Supporting scientific research: A new paradigm for managing the research library. Diversity Leadership Development, Association of Research Libraries. Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 20, 2003. LA-UR 03-6402.
Luce, Richard. Synthesizing new directions for digital library development. Fourth Annual AISTI Mini-Conference, "Phase Shifting for Digital Libraries". Alliance for Innovation in Science and Technology Information. Santa Fe, NM. September 16, 2003. LA-UR 03-7514.
Luce, Richard. The Berlin declaration on open access: The transatlantic view. International Conference on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities. Max Planck Gesellshaft. Berlin, Germany. October 22, 2003. LA-UR 03-8253.
Luce, Richard. The Library Without Walls: Supporting scientific research with new digital library capabilities. Invited Faculty Colloquium, School of Computer Science, Old Dominion University. Norfolk, VA. May 21, 2003.
Luce, Richard. The road ahead: Creating digital library capabilities to support research. Leaders' Visions on the Library of the Future: 8th International Summer School on the Digital Library. Tilburg, The Netherlands. August 12, 2003. LA-UR 03-6401.
Marks, Linn. Visually intuitive interfaces for scientists. Fourth Annual AISTI Mini-Conference, "Phase Shifting for Digital Libraries". Alliance for Innovation in Science and Technology Information, Santa Fe, NM, September 16, 2003.
Blake, Miriam. Implementation of the OpenURL and the SFX Architecture in the production environment of a digital library. Victorian Association for Library Automation Biennial Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 6-8 February, 2002.
Di Giacomo, Mariella. Web-based personal digital libraries. Invited speaker at the Personalisation and Digital Libraries Seminar hosted at the Open University, Milton Keynes, UK. October 18, 2002.
Di Giacomo, Mariella, Dan Mahoney, Mark Martinez, Jeff Scott and Rick Luce. A fault-tolerant architecture for supporting large scale digital libraries. European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) 2002, Rome, Italy. LA-UR 02-2759.
Jerez, H.N., R. Jordan and J. Van Reenen. Distributed learning objects and metadata harvesting implementation on the Chips n Salsa project. 28th Annual MAES International Symposium and Career Fair, October 23-27, 2002. Winner of the Symposium Best Paper award.
Liu, Xiaoming, Kurt Maly, Mohammad Zubair, Rong Tang, Mohammed Imran Padshah, George Roncaglia, JoAnne Rocker, Michael Nelson, William von Ofenheim, Richard Luce, Jacqueline Stack, Frances Knudson, Beth Goldsmith, Irma Holtkamp, Miriam Blake, Jack Carter, Mariella Di Giacomo, Major Jerome Nutter, Susan Brown, Ron Montbrand, Sally Landenberger, Kathy Pierson, Vince Duran, Beth Moser. Technical report interchange through synchronized OAI caches. 6th European Conference Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Technology, ECDL 2002, Rome, Italy, September 16-18, 2002. Proceedings published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2458, 2002.
Luce, Richard. Alternative publishing initiatives: View from Los Alamos. The Association of American Publishers, Professional Scholarly Publishing Division Annual Conference. Washington, DC. February 12, 2002.
Luce, Richard. Evolving digital libraries to support geographically distributed scientific research. Symposium on Knowledge Environments for Science: Past, Present and Future. National Science Foundation. Arlington, VA., November 26, 2002.
Luce, Richard. Intermediation and user needs in the digital environment. The Association of American Publishers, Professional Scholarly Publishing Division, Annual Conference. Washington, DC. February 12, 2002.
Luce, Richard. Lectures: E-journals and e-publishing; Electronic self-publishing; The future role of science libraries. International Spring School on the Digital Library and Electronic Publishing for Science and Technology. Geneva, Switzerland. March 4-8, 2002.
Luce, Richard. The role of digital libraries in scholarly communication. Keynote: Alliance for Innovation in Science and Technology Information, Third Annual AISTI Mini-Conference "Evolving Digital Libraries," Santa Fe, NM. October 22, 2002.
Luce, Richard. The state of play in digital libraries. CSIRO, Canberra, ACT. October 1, 2002. Also presented to CSIRO in Melbourne and Brisbane, October 2-4, 2002.
Blake, Miriam. SFX -- Inside issues for libraries. ALA MidWinter Conference, LITA Electronic Journals/Electronic Publishing Interest Group. Jan. 14, 2001.
Di Giacomo, Mariella, Dan Mahoney, Johan Bollen, Andres Monroy-Hernandez and Cesar M. Ruiz Meraz. MyLibrary, a personalization service for digital library environments. Joint DELOS-NSF Workshop on Personalisation and Recommender Systems in Digital Libraries, Dublin, Ireland, 18-20 June, 2001.
Luce, Richard. Collaboration among institutional and disciplinary open archives projects. CNI Spring Meeting, Washington, DC. April 2001.
Luce, Richard. Connecting with customers in the digital library: the need for a quantum leap. Hawaii Library Association Annual Conference, Maui, November 2001.
Luce, Richard. Digital libraries: The state of the art. Chief Information Officers Council, Air Force Research Laboratory. Mesa, Arizona. February 2001.
Luce, Richard. Digital library state of the art: Practical applications. Annual Iberoamerican Research and Development Summit: Bridging Technology through Innovation Exchange. Albuquerque, NM. May 8, 2001.
Luce, Richard. Directions in scientific research, collaboration and communication. Alliance for Innovation in Science and Technology Information, AISTI 2nd Annual Conference, Santa Fe, NM. October 16, 2001.
Luce, Richard. Knotting together digital library services: Progress and challenges ahead. ECDL 2001: Workshop on Experimental OAI Based Digital Library Systems. Darmstadt, Germany. September 8, 2001.
Luce, Richard. Localizing DOI linking. Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Spring Meeting, Washington, DC. April 2001.
Luce, Richard. Personalizing the digital library experience: Beyond old wine in new bottles. Open Systems for Communication in Science and Research, 8th Annual Conference of the Information and Communication Initiative of the Learned Societies in Germany and the Federation of German Biologists, Ulm, Germany. March 11, 2001.
Luce, Richard. Twenty-first century digital library challenges. Invited Lazerow Lecture, San Jose State University. San Jose State University, CA. October 18, 2001.
Luce, Richard. Twenty-first century digital library challenges. Keynote: Institute for 21st Century Librarianship. Stanford University, CA. August 10, 2001.
Luce, Richard and Johan van Reenen. The Open Archives Initiative and implications for digital libraries. Seminario/Taller Latinoamericano de Bibliotecas Digitales. Merida, Venezuela. October 5, 2001.
Bollen, Johan. Group user models for personalized hyperlink recommendations. International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, 28-30 Aug. 2000, Trento, Italy, p.38-50 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no.1892. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2000.
Knudson, Frances L. Database driven electronic journal web pages. IOLS 2000: Integrated Online Library Systems. New York, NY, May 16-18, 2000.
Luce, Richard. Communicating science in the next generation: Innovations for the evolving digital library. Invited keynote: International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers Conference. Victoria, Canada. October 2000.
Luce, Richard. Development of 3rd generation digital library tools at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Pacific Neighborhood Consortium Conference, Stanford University, January 17, 2000.
Luce, Richard. Digital library developments: A view from the U.S. keynote: Japanese Digital Library Conference. Tokyo, Japan. May 2000.
Luce, Richard. Digital library developments: Library Without Walls. Bibliotheksleiter innen Tagung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Max Planck Society, Munich, May 2000.
Luce, Richard. Impact of new technologies on the structures of science. Innovative Structures in Basic Research, Conference of the Max Planck Society, Institute fur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Ringberg Castle, Germany, October 4-7, 2000.
Luce, Richard. The balanced scorecard approach for service organizations. Industrial Technical Information Managers Conference. Santa Fe, NM. November 2000.
Luce, Richard. The Open Archives Initiative: Interoperable, interdisciplinary author self-archiving comes of age. In: Making Waves: New Serials Landscapes in a Sea of Change - Part 1. Proceedings of NASIG (the North American Serials Interest Group), 15th Annual Conference, San Diego, June 22-25, 2000. Serials Librarian, vol. 40, No. 1/ 2, 2001, pp. 173-182.
Mahoney, Daniel M. Reengineering libraries. Presentation at Beyond Our Borders conference, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, March 25, 2000. LA-UR-00-1708.
Blake, Miriam and Herbert Van de Sompel. Just-in-case linking vs. just-in-time linking -- The Library Without Walls experience. Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries, August 11-14, 1999, Berkeley, California, p. 217-218.
Luce, Richard. Communicating science in the next generation: Implications for the digital library. Keynote address, CSIRO Information Management and Technology Conference, November 8-11, 1999. Brisbane, Australia. LA-UR-99-5886.
Luce, Richard. Communicating science in the next generation: New implications for the digital library. Association of International Librarians and Information Specialists, Swiss National Library, Bern, Switzerland, April 27, 1999.
Luce, Richard. Communicating science in the next generation: New implications for the digital library. Keynote to Strategic Planning and Publishing Group, New England Journal of Medicine, Boston, MA. January 1999.
Luce, Richard. Communicating science: New implications for the digital library. Keynote address, NSF/CONACyT Digital Library Workshop, Albuquerque, NM. July 1999.
Luce, Richard. Digital library developments: The Library Without Walls at Los Alamos. Organization of American States (OAS) and ISTEC Latin America Digital Library Workshop. University of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica. December 9, 1999. LA-UR-99-6774.
Luce, Richard. E-prints and digital publishing: Competition or cooperation in the new digital library?. Invited keynote, American Chemical Society Annual Publishers Conference. Washington, D.C. May 1999.
Luce, Richard. Evolving the digital library: Development of third-generation tools at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Guest lecture, International Digital Library Summer School, University of Tilburg, Netherlands. August 1999. LA-UR-98-2575.
Luce, Richard. Forecasting digital library developments. Keynote, Elsevier Science Global Electronic Publications Conference, Orlando, FL. February 1999.
Luce, Richard. Integrating the digital library puzzle: The Library Without Walls at Los Alamos. Invited keynote, Information Science Lectures. CERN, Geneva, April 1999.
Luce, Richard. Library Without Walls: Digital library developments at Los Alamos. Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO) and CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, Sydney, November 1999.
Luce, Richard. Managing change: A new paradigm for managing libraries and forecasting digital library developments. Observations from Los Alamos� Library Without Walls. Invited Visiting Scholar Lecture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. May 1999.
Luce, Richard. New implications for the digital library. Keynote speech at the Conference of the Max Plank Society, Schloss-Elmau Castle, Germany, June 1, 1999. LA-UR-99-2757.
Mosier, M. L., Jim Mottonen, Katherine Norskog and Kathryn Varjabedian. Aha! - Portal to a corporate intranet. Internet Library '99. LA-UR-99-4599.
Rocha, Luis Mateus. TalkMine and the Adaptive Recommendation Project. Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries, August 11-14, 1999, Berkeley, California, p. 242-243.
Stack, Jacqueline M. Collaboration: Success for the future. Paper presented at InForum '99, DOE/OSTI, Oak Ridge, Tenn., May 5-6, 1999. 6p. LA-UR-99-1607.
Elsevier Science Digital Libraries Symposium. A report on the January 1998 symposium, including a talk by Richard Luce on digital libraries. Elsevier Science Information, No. 10, Spring 1998.
Luce, Richard. Communicating science in the next generation. Invited keynote: Maintaining the Information Edge, Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Annual Conference. Washington DC, November 1998.
Luce, Richard. Communicating science in the next generation. Toward the 21st Century, National High Performance Computing and Communications Conference. Newport, Rhode Island. March 1998.
Luce, Richard. Integrating the digital library puzzle: The Library Without Walls at Los Alamos. Presented at the International Summer School on the Digital Library, University of Tilberg, August 2-14, 1998. LA-UR-98-2575.
Luce, Richard. Integrating the digital library puzzle: The Library Without Walls at Los Alamos. Keynote talk: Faxon Innovations Seminar, Washington, DC. November 1998.
Luce, Richard. Managing change: Leadership for the new paradigm. Keynote: Innovations 1998, Faxon Institute, Los Angeles, March 1998.
Luce, Richard. Managing change: Leadership in the digital library paradigm. Keynote address, Federal Day Seminar, Washington, DC. November 1998.
Luce, Richard. Managing change: Scientific and technical information from the Los Alamos perspective. Invited guest lecture, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Washington, DC. November 1998.
Luce, Richard. Managing knowledge: A view from the leading edge. National Information Standards Organization. Santa Fe, NM. April 1998.
Luce, Richard. Preprints and digital library content: Convergence or divergence. Association for Information Dissemination Conference. Toronto, Canada. September 1998.
Luce, Richard. Using the Malcolm Baldrige criteria: A viable tool for assessing organizational change. Living the Future Conference II, University of Arizona. Phoenix, AZ. April 1998.
Mosier, Mona. Electronic full-image reports at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Engineering Education 1998 annual conference, June 28 - July 2, 1998, Seattle, WA. 9 p. LA-UR-97-4641.
Collins, Kenneth A. Providing Internet access to Los Alamos National Laboratory technical reports: A case history in providing public access to previously restricted documents . American Society of Information Science conference (June 1997: Scottsdale, AZ), 12 p. LA-UR-96-3680.
Stack, Jacqueline M. Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library: Integrating the present with the future . Inforum '97, May 7-8 1997, Oak Ridge, Tenn. LA-UR-97-1203.
Collins, Kenneth A. Public releasability of technical information: The experience of Los Alamos National Laboratory. InForum '96, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Stack, Jacqueline M. Change, chaos and quality: Strategic partners. InForum '96 (April 24-25 1996: Oak Ridge, TN). LA-UR-96-775.
Mosier, Mona L. The Internet as a reference tool: Accessing scientific and technical information via the World Wide Web. Presentation to the Fall Conference on the New Mexico Council for Higher Education Computing Services, 1995. LA-UR-95-2259.
Smith, Sharon E. and Dan Comstock. Teaching internet use to adult learners: The LANL experience. Presented at the Meeting of the New Mexico Council for Higher Education Computing Services, November 8-10, 1995, Roswell, NM. LA-UR-95-3577.
Stack, Jacqueline. Quality: Milestones to maturity. Presented at DP Marketplace of Ideas, Las Vegas, NV, November 8-9, 1995.
Holtkamp, Irma S. The Energy Science and Technology Database on a local library system : A case study at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library. Invited talk/paper presented at Infotech '94, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 25-26 1994. LA-UR-94-3308.
Luce, Richard E. Shaping the library of the future: Digital library developments at Los Alamos National Laboratory's Research Library . Invited paper presented at: Infotech '94, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 25-26 1994. LA-UR-94-3307.
Gursky, Kathryn M., Irma S. Holtkamp, et al. Translation table to convert DOE/OSTI-COSATI bibliographic records to MARC-like format records. Oak Ridge, Tenn.: OSTI/TIC, 1986. 17pp. Report no. DOE/TIC-4639. LA-UR-86-0136.
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