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Environmental work

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Our Top Priority

It's Time For More Public Transportation

For too long, we've thrown money at "roads and bridges to nowhere" rather than making smart investments in public transportation. Investing in high-speed rail, rapid bus systems and other public transit will create more jobs and long-term economic benefits than money spent building new roads. Public transportation improvements will also reduce our dependence on oil, relieve traffic congestion and cut global warming. It's time to prioritize public transportation.




PIRG Highlights

From The Newsroom

President Signs Major Product Safety Bill

Thanks to your calls and e-mails, the president has signed a major product safety overhaul bill. Among other provisions, the bill requires manufacturers to inspect toys and bans lead and phthalates from childrens' products.

Read more about the victory and the bill   •  Read the press release

Tax Loophole Closed For Federal Contractors

U.S. PIRG scored a major victory over tax-dodging private  contractors by prohibiting the use of sham companies in foreign countries, hiding contractors from basic responsibilities such as Social Security and Medicare.  

Read more about this victoryRead more about our work on outsourcing accountability