Important: The Climate Analysis Branch (PSD1) web site will be down in anticipiation of our major web restructuring starting Tuesday Jan 20th at 1pm MST.
You can find more info about the upcoming URL changes here.

Climate Diagnostics Applied Research Center


Position NOAA to proactively deliver research products and experimental services that provide explanations of current and evolving climate and predictions of future climate and extreme events with drought-related research and applications in support of NIDIS as the near-term priority.

Research is coordinated around five foci that contribute to CDEP objectives:

  • Reforecasts and Weather-Climate: develop reliable and improve probabilistic short term climate forecast products
  • Historical Reanalysis: produce a 100-year global climate reanalysis based on surface pressure data using ensemble data assimilation techniques
  • Climate Attribution: improve climate attribution capabilities to meet policy and decision maker needs for explanations of the climate system.
  • Climate System Diagnosis: improve understanding of dynamical processes and predictability of the the climate system
  • Regional Applications and Services: improve delivery of regional climate products and services needed to manage climate-related risks.

Accomplishments & Plans

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