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MyLibrary @ LANL is a personalized web portal. It is a collection of personal links to electronic journals, databases, and other web resources. It can be customized to reflect specific disciplines and research needs.

The LANL user can:

  • Select resources from a subset of the 6000+ electronic journals, 130+ electronic databases, and 600+ subject-based web links from the Research Library's website.
  • Add their own preferred weblinks easily by clicking a bookmarklet on the personal toolbar of your browser.
  • Use the shared libraries feature that lets a group collect and share web resources, facilitating team projects.
  • Use Circulation record to see what materials they have checked out and renew them via the web.
  • Find related material with "See recommended e-journals" — this feature uses your current ejournal selections to recommend related ejournals, uncovering possible new avenues for research.

A user selects an initial primary interest during the sign up process. This primary interest determines how the first Library of their MyLibrary @ LANL is populated. There will be specific links in the database folder and in the ejournal folder. Messages from the library will be based on this primary interest. A user can then add more libraries with other associated areas of interest. Once a library has been established, new folders can be added to it, and then links can be added to the folders.

Version 2.0 of MyLibrary introduced shared libraries. An "owner" can set up a library, determine who has access to this library, and populate the library. This "sharing" of resources will facilitate team projects, interest groups, etc. There will be one place to store resources. Members of the shared library have two levels of "rights." The owner can assign some members read-only rights. Other members can have "read & write" privileges. Only the owner has the right to delete resources from a shared library.

Link checking is run on a weekly basis. Broken links are noted by a red x. The MyLibrary user can update the URL or delete the link.

There are two bookmarklets that assist in the use of MyLibrary @ LANL. These bookmarklets can be dragged to the user's personal toolbar. The first bookmarklet named "MyLib" is simply a link to MyLibrary @ LANL. The second bookmarklet named "+2MyLib" gives the user an easy way to add links to their libraries without any cutting and pasting.

The LANL implementation of MyLibrary @ LANL is an object oriented redesign of the Mylibrary source code created by Eric Lease Morgan of North Carolina State University. The code was designed by two summer students Andres Monroy-Hernandez and Cesar Ruiz-Meraz from Monterrey, Mexico. The code is currently maintained by Mariella di Giacomo and Ming Yu.

Please send comments and suggestions to stbrl-mylib@lanl.gov.



Retired 9/31/08.

Version 3.0 - released 12/18/03

  • Drag and drop interface
  • Topic terminology change
  • Ability to copy topics and folders
  • "Get related e-journals" improved

Version 2.2 - released 6/9/03

  • Shared libraries: Add users to shared libraries based on their e-mail address instead of their user id; Use the LANL website phone directory, which appears in a pop-up window in our new interface, to find the e-mail addresses; View all the members of a shared library to which you belong.
  • E-Journal Recommendations: Select new journals from a list of a titles recommended by the Active Recommendation Project (ARP) algorithm; View the recommendations sorted by relevance; Designate the folder where you would like the recommended journals to be added.

Version 2.1 - released 1/10/03

  • Active recommendation project (ARP) links have been added.
  • Forgotten passwords can be handled more directly by end user.
  • Email requires @lanl.gov extension.
  • Duplicate accounts are now caught in registration module.

Version 2.0 - released 9/06/01

  • Shared libraries now available via MyLibrary.
  • Link checking is run on a weekly basis.
  • Improved bookmarklets.
  • Report "area of interest" is now available.
  • Message box only appears when messages are available.

Version 1.1 - released 5/21/01

  • Alert tables now accessible from MyLibrary.
  • Personal discipline added.
  • Two new folders were added and populated - one for general reference sources and one for LANL resources.

Version 1.0 - released 3/28/01

  • Based on customer comments, the terminology of MyLibrary @ LANL was changed.
  • Font sizes were employed to differentiate libraries from folders from links.
  • More color themes were added.
  • Fonts on the MAC were increased.
  • Basic link checking was employed.

Alpha - released 2/08/01

Di Giacomo, Mariella, Dan Mahoney, Johan Bollen, Andres Monroy-Hernandez and Cesar M. Ruiz Meraz, MyLibrary, A personalization service for digital library environments. Joint DELOS-NSF Workshop on Personalisation and Recommender Systems in Digital Libraries, Dublin, Ireland, 18-20 June, 2001.

Use of MyLibrary @LANL is restricted to LANL employees.


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Los Alamos National Laboratory