Maryland Shorelines Online is a coastal hazards web portal, centralizing information and data on shoreline and coastal hazards management in Maryland.

This website works to enhance coordination and understanding of shoreline management processes, assistance, and practices appropriate for maintaining the rich cultural and natural resources associated with the State’s coastal and shoreline areas. This site is a resource for many groups including:

Coastal Managers - State and local planners and regulators will benefit from this site when interfacing with the pubic that have questions on Maryland’s coastal hazards and the law/regulations/permits that guide activities in the coastal zone. An interactive mapping tool, Maryland Shoreline Changes Online and the Comprehensive Shoreline Inventory will also assist in better understanding the risk to coastal development and communities from natural hazards.

coastal hazardsProperty Owners can gain more information on their risk and vulnerability from erosion, flooding and inundation, as well as determine technical and financial assistance available when determining the best option to mitigate coastal hazards.

Marine Contractors – This site represents a resource to determine the historical rates of shoreline change and technical information on protection and restoration approaches like “living shorelines” to address shoreline erosion.

Educators – The website provides an extensive list of educational resources on coastal hazards and a series of interactive education lessons to promote science based
learning and investigation through the use of interactive
mapping and GIS

This Website Created and Supported by

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