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Sharron Gebhardt

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Michele Fields






Relief or Reduction in Royalty Rates--Deep Gas Provisions

Completed Action 6/2004
OMB Control Number 1010-AD01
(Interest/affects to MRM) 
Abstract:  Declines in outer continental shelf production from existing fields need to be offset by new sources to keep up with growing demand.  Very little of the deep gas potential in shallow water areas of the Gulf of Mexico has yet been explored.  Extensive infrastructure already exists in shallow water, unlike in deep water, so new production could reach market quickly.  Because the most prospective tracts in shallow water are already under lease, most of the deep gas potential in shallow water may already have been acquired.  This rule proposes temporary incentives in the form of royalty suspension volumes for deep wells (at least 15,000 feet below significant energy action level) on existing leases that explore for or produce gas.
  • CFR Citation: 30 CFR 203
Additional Offshore Rule Information
  • Information Collection pdficon1.gif (149 bytes) 
    Title:  30 CFR 203, Relief or Reduction in Royalty Rates
    68 FR 53387--September 10, 2003
  • Information Collection pdficon1.gif (149 bytes)
    Title:  30 CFR 203, Relief or Reduction in Royalty Rates
    68 FR 19572--April 21, 2003

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