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Rulemaking Public Comments

Establishing Oil Value for Royalty Due on Indian Leases pdficon1.gif (149 bytes)
(65 FR 403--January 5, 2000)

Extension:  65 FR 10436--February 28, 2000

Summary:  (65 FR 403)--The Minerals Management Service (MMS) is proposing further changes to its proposed rulemaking regarding the valuation, for royalty purposes, of crude oil produced from Indian leases.  The MMS is proposing to: Change which index prices would be used for valuation, change how those index prices would apply, change how transportation allowances would apply, and streamline proposed Form MMS-4416 for computing adjustments to value for royalty purposes.  The amendments are intended to simplify and improve the proposed rule.

Summary:   (65 FR 10436)--The Minerals Management Service hereby gives notice that it is extending the public comment period on a supplementary proposed rule, which was published in the Federal Register on January 5, 2000, (65 FR 403).   The proposed rule amends that royalty valuation regulations for crude oil produced from Indian leases. 
  • Project On Government Oversight  (114KB) pdficon1.gif (149 bytes)
      Alaska Wilderness League,
      American Federation of Government Employees
      American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME),
      American Lands Alliance, American Oceans Campaign,
      American Rivers,  Better Government Association,
      Common Cause, Consumer Federation of America,
      Council of Chief State School Officers, Friends of the Earth,
      Government Accountability Project, Greenpeace, Mineral Policy Center,
      Native American Rights Fund, Natural Resources Defense Council,
      Navajo Nation, Ozone Action, Project On Government Oversight,
      Public Citizen Critical Mass Energy Project,
      Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
      Service Employees International Union,
      Taxpayers for Common Sense, U.S. PIRG


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