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Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey (ALL)

Sample Items

The items below are examples of questions adults were asked to answer for the Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey (ALL). These items are divided into three categories: document literacy, prose literacy, and numeracy. When you click on an item name, you will be presented with a combination of text and image called the item stimulus. Next to the stimulus are links to related questions. Click on these links to view the questions and their answers.

Document Literacy Sample Items
Clock Radio
Female Teachers
Prose Literacy Sample Items
Hiring Interview
MEDCO Aspirin
Proper Frame Fit
Numeracy Sample Items
Gas Gauge

Female Teachers

Question 1 and Answer  |   Question 2 and Answer  |   Question 3 and Answer  |  
Chart showing the percentage of women teachers in European countries.



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Washington, DC 20006, USA
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