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Export Import Bank of the United States




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Explanation of Terms Used in Section F of the Exposure Fee Advice Tables

For Unrated Borrowers/Guarantors Other Than Financial Institutions:

Debt is current maturities of long-term debt and leases + non-current maturities of long-term debt + capital leases + short-term debt (including notes payable and supplier credit contractual obligations). Note: If the proposed Ex-Im Bank financed transaction will increase the company`s outstanding debt by at least 25 percent, Ex-Im Bank will re-estimate the two ratios on a pro forma basis, taking into account the increase in debt.

Tangible Net Worth is paid-in capital stock + preferred stock + retained earnings - treasury stock - minority interest - intangible assets, e.g., goodwill, patents, licenses. Note: Tangible net worth should also include reserves for revaluation or monetary correction as well as for foreign exchange gains/losses, if these are reported as net worth items.

Operating Cash Flow (for each of the last two years) is net income - extraordinary items - net non-operating income + non-cash charges, e.g., depreciation - the increase (or + the decrease) in net non-cash working capital. Note: In calculating operating cash flow Ex-Im Bank may make adjustments for any non-recurring or unusual developments affecting the operating cash flow.

For Unrated Financial Institution Borrowers/Guarantors:

Assets are as reported + off-balance sheet acceptances and rediscounts.

Shareholders'; Equity is paid-in capital stock + preferred stock + capital surplus + retained earnings + capital reserves - minority interest + adjustment for cumulative effect of foreign currency translation - treasury stock.

Net Income is as reported.

Borrowed Funds are interbank borrowings + notes/bills/bonds.

Net Loans are loans and advances - general and specific loan loss reserves.

Liquid Assets are cash + short-term marketable and trading securities + government securities + due from banks.

Reserves are general and specific reserves available to absorb loan and other credit losses.

Non-Performing Assets are assets which are not producing current income + assets involving a high probability of restructuring or loss of principal. Note: If non-performing assets are not reported, or if they are under reported, Ex-Im Bank will make its own estimate.

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Export-Import Bank of the United States
Revised: November 10, 1998




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