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                 Oklahoma City Area Indian Health Service Lawton Service Unit - Performance Improvement Department
Lawton Service Unit Picture of Lawton Indian Hospital.

Performance Improvement Department

The primary responsibilities and function of the Performance Improvement Department are Utilization Review, facilitating the Discharge Planning process, and overseeing the Performance Improvement activities for the Lawton Service Unit. The goals include but are not limited to:

  • provision of quality care
  • decrease fragmentation of care
  • enhancement of the quality of life for population served, and
  • cost containment.

Coordination of activities in regards to Risk Management and Compliance issues begins in the Performance Improvement Department. As Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) coordinators for the Service Unit, works with and participates in achieving GPRA goals and generates quarterly reports. This department is also responsible for researching, interpreting and advising the Leadership Committee and other key individuals regarding Joint Commission, Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS), and Oklahoma Foundation for Medical Quality and other external review requirements. Evaluation of the health care system’s committees, departments, and vendors to ensure compliance with accreditation standards and criteria also begins in the Performance Improvement Department.

Lawton Indian Hospital
1515 North Lawrie Tatum Rd. • Lawton, OK 73507