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On Assignment with Jim Garamone - U.S. American Forces Press Service Reporter Jim Garamone is traveling within the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility documenting the stories of troops supporting the global war on terrorism.
Commander Stresses Non-Lethal Targeting
FORWARD OPERATING BASE LOYALTY, Iraq, June 26, 2006 – As the nature of the war on terror in Iraq has changed, so have the targets sought by coalition and Iraqi forces. Story
Troops to Leave Muthanna Province in Iraq
SAMAWAH, Iraq, June 22, 2006 – All coalition troops will leave Iraq's Muthanna province by the end of July, making it the country's first province to be responsible for its own security since the fall of Saddam Hussein, Iraqi officials said here today. Story
Misuse of Words Can Promote Enemy Ideology
BAGHDAD, June 22, 2006 – The pen is mightier than the sword, and sometimes in the war of words we unwittingly give the advantage to the enemy. In dealing with Islamic extremists, the West may be giving them the advantage due to cultural ignorance, maintain Dr. Douglas E. Streusand and Army Lt. Col. Harry D. Tunnell IV. Story
Central Command More Than Iraq, Afghanistan
BAGHDAD, June 19, 2006 – U.S. Central Command is responsible for more than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and CENTCOM officials emphasize they are not ignoring the challenges in the rest of their area of operations. Story
Engineers Hunt for Roadside Bombs in East Baghdad
FORWARD OPERATING BASE LOYALTY, Iraq, June 19, 2006 – Getting really close to an area you suspect may contain an improvised explosive device may seem counterintuitive, but that is exactly what engineers assigned here do each night. Story
Officials Launch Search for Missing Soldiers
BAGHDAD, June 17, 2006 – Coalition and Iraqi officials have launched a massive search operation for two coalition soldiers missing following an incident in Yusufiyah, Iraq, yesterday. Story
Officials Say Masri Now Leads Iraq Al Qaeda
BAGHDAD, June 16, 2006 – Officials announced Abu Ayyub al-Masri, a founding member of al Qaeda in Iraq, as the lead terrorist in Iraq following the elimination of Zarqawi June 7. Story
Window of Opportunity Opens for Iraqi People
BAGHDAD, June 16, 2006 – The next seven months are absolutely crucial to how Iraq will turn out, said U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Bill Caldwell, the deputy chief of staff for strategic effects. Story
Abizaid: Defeating Ideology at Heart of Strategy
BAGHDAD, June 13, 2006 – Defeating an ideology is much more difficult than defeating a physical threat, but that is at the heart of U.S. Central Command's strategy in this region, the command's chief, Army Gen. John Abizaid, said in an interview today. Story
U.S. Marines Work With Local Police in Qaim
CAMP AL QAIM, Iraq, June 13, 2006 – A Marine Corps police transition team is working here to equip and train Iraqi police. While there are many obstacles to surmount, there are signs of progress, U.S. officials here said. Story
Special Forces Soldiers Train Iraqis
CAMP AL QAIM, Iraq, June 12, 2006 – Two empty houses in a neighborhood for engineers at a local power plant are proving to be a perfect training ground for Iraqi soldiers. Story
Observations: Coalition Passes Baton to Iraqis
CAMP AL QAIM, Iraq, June 9, 2006 – The security situation in Iraq is like a relay race. Coalition forces have the baton for the first leg. They pass it to the Iraqi army, who in turn pass the baton to the Iraqi police.  Story
Army Gen. John Abizaid salutes the new Iraqi Defense Minister Abdul Qader following a meeting at the Ministry of Defense. Abizaid, the commander of U.S. Central Command, visited Iraq June 12-13. Photo by Jim Garamone
LEADERS MEET– Army Gen. John Abizaid salutes the new Iraqi Defense Minister Abdul Qader following a meeting at the Ministry of Defense. Abizaid, the commander of U.S. Central Command, visited Iraq June 12-13. Photo by Jim Garamone  Story | Hi-Res
Soldiers, Marines Drive on Through Adversity
HIT, Iraq, June 6, 2006 – The soldiers and Marines here put up with more adversity in their deployment than most Americans will see in a lifetime. And they do it with a great attitude. Story
Oil-Stained Mechanics Keep Infantry Moving
HIT, Iraq, June 4, 2006 – The infantry isn't going to move far without help from a bunch of oil-stained soldiers. Just 11 soldiers are keeping the vehicles of Task Force 1-36 here running.  Story
Iraqi Training Proceeds in Anbar Province
HIT, Iraq, June 4, 2006 – While training of Iraqi army units in Iraq's Anbar province has lagged behind other regions, progress is being made. A case in point was a June 2 patrol. Story
Marine Builds Iraqi 'Super Company'
HIT, Iraq, June 4, 2006 – Bringing the Iraqi army to the lead in the country's beleaguered Anbar province is a tough assignment. But Marines assigned to the military transition team at Firm Base 4 here have taken it on.  Story
Soldiers See Army's Success as 'Ticket Home'
HIT, Iraq, June 2, 2006 – U.S. soldiers here not only perform combat operations, but also are working to train the Iraqi army – and they know what success would mean. "The Iraqi army is our ticket home," Army Lt. Col. Thomas C. Graves, commander of U.S. forces in this city on the Euphrates River, said.  Story
U.S. Soldiers Work Iraqi Leadership Issues
RUSTAMIYAH, Iraq, May 30, 2006 – A number of initiatives are under way to instill democratic values in the Iraq security forces. One such initiative involves U.S. Army leadership experts helping to set up the Iraqi Center for Values, Principles and Leadership here.  Story
More Stories
• NATO Personnel Shaping Iraqi Military Staff
• Servicemembers in Baghdad Remember Friends
• Iraqi General Committed to Reforming Military
• Iraqis Adopt British Military Academy as Model
• Center Helps Iraqis Shape New Army's Culture
• Taji Center Stresses Counterinsurgency Mission
• National Unity Office to Work With New Government
• New Iraqi Government Approved
• U.S. Troops Keep Local Sheikh Informed
• Combat Support Hospital Works to Save Lives
• 'Baghdad ER' Examines Combat Hospital
• Command Procedures Evolve in Baghdad
• Tank Brigade Assumes Combat Responsibility | Photos
• U.S. Troops in Iraq Conduct ‘Mother’s Day’ Patrol | Photos
• Transition Teams Coach, Mentor Iraqi Units
• North Baghdad Council Discusses Security
• Leader Touts Armored Division Progress
• Iraqi Armored Brigade Ready to Assume Battle Space
• U.S. Soldiers Note Progress of Iraqi Army
• Border Police Take on Mission of Securing Iraq's Frontier
• Flight Shows Difficulties of Policing the Iran-Iraq Border
• 'Measles Chart' Shows Reconstruction Progress in Iraq
• Range Helps U.S. Troops Practice Skills Needed in Iraq | Photos
• Sailors, Iraqi Marines Defend Offshore Terminals
• Small Boats Provide Links to Local Maritime Community
• 'Ring of Steel' Encircles Iraqi Oil Platforms
• Relations With Iran on High Seas 'Courteous, Professional'
• Life Aboard USS Reagan Revolves Around Support to Iraq
• Maritime Ops in Middle East Have Deterrent Effect
• Coalition Cell Develops 'Actionable Intelligence'
• Cell Helps Coalition Ships Operate Together
• Admiral Cites Complexity in Horn of Africa Mission
• Pakistani Admiral Takes Command of Regional Task Force
• Team Accepts Donations
• U.S. Units Help Ethiopians Build Capacity
• Small Projects Making Big Changes in Ethiopia
• Seabees Building Dormitory for Djiboutian Students
• Pier Construction Project to Help Djiboutian Village
• Intelligence Center Coordinates Central Command Efforts
• Americans in Horn of Africa Using New Weapon in Terror War
• Progress Being Made Throughout U.S. Central Command Region
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